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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

Maybe something negative came out that hasnt been released to the public yet...

I have read the reviews that he is top-heavy, doesn't have ideal speed off the line and that he is better at containment than breaking things up in the backfield. Maybe I over-rate him, but I think he will still continue to improve in the NFL, as he did in this, his first healthy year at Ohio State.

It's the work ethic you buy with Mike. I still think he is going to have an outstanding pro career. If I'm wrong, that business degree with top grades will stand him in good stead!
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HineyBuck said:
Gotta wonder if there's something in his medical/physical evaluation that makes him a risk. I know he's a tweener, he's top heavy, and all of that, but I just can't imagine him falling this far. Somebody's going to get a steal.
if you go back through this thread you can see he has had more than his fair share of serious injuries.
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The Browns only have 1 more pick and I would love to see them use it on Kudla. I feel bad for him and his family since I'm sure they were planning on him going much higher than this. Mike's problem is that he can pretty much only play OLB in a 3-4 so he is limited to those teams. If he doesn't get drafted I bet he would sign with the Browns.
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The Browns only have 1 more pick and I would love to see them use it on Kudla. I feel bad for him and his family since I'm sure they were planning on him going much higher than this. Mike's problem is that he can pretty much only play OLB in a 3-4 so he is limited to those teams. If he doesn't get drafted I bet he would sign with the Browns.

Some see him as an ILB.
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I have to wonder if there were some deeper lying medical concerns that the public doesn't know about. Just a week or two ago I was seeing articles of how he was climbing some teams draft boards, including the papers here around STL.
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I have to wonder if there were some deeper lying medical concerns that the public doesn't know about. Just a week or two ago I was seeing articles of how he was climbing some teams draft boards, including the papers here around STL.

Yes, he was quoted as a real rising star through combine. Very surprising.
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