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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)



Kudla’s NFL score: Draft 0, Steelers 1By BRAD BOURNIVAL
Staff Writer

MONTVILLE TWP. — In two hours, Mike Kudla's life went from one of uncertainty to one of stability when the 2002 Highland graduate signed a two-year free agent contract with the Pittsburgh Steelers.

For two days, Kudla watched 32 teams make 255 selections in the NFL Draft. As each pick was made, the Montville Township resident sat wondering. When he went undrafted, that wonderment magnified.

Within 120 minutes the confusion ceased as the 6-foot-2, 265-pound defensive end from Ohio State signed with the world champions for an undisclosed amount Sunday night.

"It's been a crazy weekend," Kudla said. "You're talking about your future and it's up in the air. It's not fun.

"It's unfortunate that I didn't get drafted, but that's life with me. It's one of those situations where I've got the opportunity. I'm in a place where I fit in. I'm not on a team where I'm trying to make my niche."

That's what made not being drafted an even better situation for Kudla. With his phone ringing off the hook from potential suitors at the conclusion of the draft, the first-team All-Big Ten selection waded through a handful of offers and found Pittsburgh to be the best fit.

"As the rounds simmered down, it was better that I didn't get drafted," Kudla said. "Pittsburgh was the most attractive situation. These guys were super. They talked to my dad and explained everything. For me, it's perfect the way their system is set up. Being a tweener, you're not a defensive end, not a linebacker. They want me to rush. They want me to drop (into coverage). It's the perfect situation."

Kudla is trying to become the third Highland graduate — Jim Ritcher and Chris Riehm are the other two — to make the roster of an NFL team in the modern era.

The twist is that it comes on a team he rooted against while growing up. A Browns fan since he can remember, Kudla has rejoiced in the good and endured the bad. Even this weekend, Kudla paid close attention to who Cleveland took in the draft.

Now a member of the Steelers, who play the Browns twice in the regular season, his allegiance has changed as has the flag that flies in front of the family's house. What used to be a scarlet and gray "Block O" is now the black and gold of the Steelers.

Should Kudla make Pittsburgh's roster, his first trip to the shores of Lake Erie would be Nov. 19.

"I followed the Browns because of the hometown blood," Kudla said. "But I'm a competitor.

"That's just my nature. I'm going to give it my all. I'm going out to Pittsburgh to fill a roster spot. My mindset is to go out there and make the team."

While it's on a team that has won five Super Bowls, including the most recent one, it's a squad that was willing to take a chance on Kudla.

"That's all I ever wanted," he said. "I couldn't be more excited."
Bournival may be reached at [email protected] or 330-721-4045.
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Congrats to you Mike Kudla, sounds like a happy ending to a rough weekend.

..but as a life-long Bengals fan I ask this one thing: Please, please stay far away from Carson Palmers knees...:wink2: :tongue2: :osu:
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Stellar! I wanted desperately for Pittsburgh to draft Kudla, and made sure I was around the TV for all of their picks so that I wouldn't miss it when they took him. I feel badly for Mike that he wasn't drafted, but I am extremely pleased that he is getting a shot with the Steelers. LeBeau seemed pretty high on him at the pro day, so this might be a solid fit for him.
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Stellar! I wanted desperately for Pittsburgh to draft Kudla, and made sure I was around the TV for all of their picks so that I wouldn't miss it when they took him. I feel badly for Mike that he wasn't drafted, but I am extremely pleased that he is getting a shot with the Steelers. LeBeau seemed pretty high on him at the pro day, so this might be a solid fit for him.

I was thinking he could be good for the Steelers,then I found this!Wow! Look at "Fast Willie Parker" of the Steelers,he went undrafted from North Carolina & the Steelers got a surprise package there! I think Kudla will be fine here in Pittsburgh! :biggrin: I just cannot believe he did not go in the draft!!!
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Sweet! I was hoping Pittsburgh would draft Mike ever since their 5th round pick came up! I firmly believe he'll not only make the team, but he'll be a big part of the defense.

Congratulations Mike!

Here we go Steelers, here we go!
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They are talking to Santonio on W.D.V.E.,102.5 FM in Pittsburgh as I post this right now! This gives me chills man! I was at the airport dropping off the mister not knowing Santonio was there around the same time! Drats! That's okay I do have a signed helmet from him. Then I got Kudla's last week on a football,Fiesta Bowl hat, and a picture!:biggrin: :wink2:
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I was thinking that the best position in the NFL for Kudla would be the OLB in a 3-4. I was a little disappointed he didn't get drafted, and a little more disappointed I have to root against him, now that he's in Pittsburgh. (But I won't root against him as much as most of the other Stillers.) Congratulations to him, and I hope he makes 30 other NFL teams wish they hadn't passed up on him. (Maybe when he plays the Browns, he has a little off-day.)
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[QUOTE=Zurp; I hope he makes 30 other NFL teams wish they hadn't passed up on him.

I'm with you on that Zurp! I was surprised he was not drafted as well! I watched the combine,& they showed him in the weight room & he did 4o some reps & tied the record with somebody else!:wink2:
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