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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)


Steelers | Kudla will be a couple weeks with hamstring injury
Thu, 3 Aug 2006 00:14:49 -0700

Bob Labriola, of Steelers.com, reports Pittsburgh Steelers DL Mike Kudla (hamstring) will be a couple of weeks with his hamstring injury, according to head coach Bill Cowher.
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What a shame, I really hope he eventually gets picked up again. I truly thought he was gonna make it with the Steelers for a couple of years at least.

On a positive not though, you now could move back to Ohio and travel up about 160 miles and join the Browns! :biggrin:
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What a shame, I really hope he eventually gets picked up again. I truly thought he was gonna make it with the Steelers for a couple of years at least.

On a positive not though, you now could move back to Ohio and travel up about 160 miles and join the Browns! :biggrin:

Browns lost another Center today...think he can snap? :wink2:
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I really find it hard to believe that there isn't a spot on an NFL roster for a guy with Mike's speed and strength. Maybe his best career path would be as a special teams head-hunter, then go from there.
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Mike needs to get healthy and go to Europe for a year. I still think that he is an NFL caliber LB for a 3-4 defense. I would love to see the Browns pick him up and groom him to be an OLB in the future. If he was healthy he could be on every special team.
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Kudla's inability to stay healthy for any length of time truly concerns me. It seems after his bout with that blood disorder in 2002, he has remained relatively fragile despite his overall strength and conditioning level. Its not normal and not conducive to playing the most physical position of the most physical sport in the world.

Personally, some of you may disagree, but I think Mike may need to pursue coaching soon. Or be a strength and conditioning coach. We know he has the smarts and the personality. I'm just afraid if he continues to pursue football, he's going to get seriously injured.
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