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DL Mike Kudla (R.I.P.)

Yeah, so would the Combine. Which he may not make it to if he gets injured in a meaningless "bowl" game.

I think that's the answer. It seems more and more players with a serious chance at being a high draft pick are skipping the "all-star" games, leaving them to the players that can better their draft stock by playing.

Too bad...I was looking forward to the possibility of pounding a few brews with Kuds...
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I think that's the answer. It seems more and more players with a serious chance at being a high draft pick are skipping the "all-star" games, leaving them to the players that can better their draft stock by playing.

Too bad...I was looking forward to the possibility of pounding a few brews with Kuds...

That would be nice...I don't think I could pass up a free trip to Hawaii. :biggrin:

Just the same, I think his performance in Tempe will speak volumes when Draft Day rolls around, and I think more than one scout will see that footage of Mike tracking down Mulroney in the Minny game. I said earlier in this thread that he goes no lower than mid-second round, and I stand by it.
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Yea, I think it's in Mike's best interest to save it up for the scouts at the combines, rather than hanging out in Hawaii with all the Pakalolo smoking freaks, and dudes with 22 inch biceps and 3" schlongs.:biggrin: Peace
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These All-Star games are more showcases for players from smaller programs that might not wow in individual workouts to shine. Perfect example: Charlie Frye. Mike has the film and will show the measurables in March that will boost his stock.
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Focused Kudla picks lifting over luaus

Sunday, January 22, 2006
Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Mike Kudla turned down a trip to Hawaii this week.

"It wasn't easy," said the Ohio State senior, "but sometimes you have to make decisions for the future."

Weeks away from the NFL combine, the future is approaching quickly for the seniors who led the Buckeyes to a 10-2 record, including a Fiesta Bowl victory. Part of the preparation includes postseason all-star games -- or sometimes doesn't include those all-star games.

Linebacker Anthony Schlegel, kicker Josh Huston, offensive lineman Rob Sims and safety Nate Salley played in the East-West Shrine Game in San Antonio on Saturday, which the West won, 35-31. Huston kicked a 47-yard field goal and four extra points for the East.

But Kudla turned down an invite play in Saturday's Hula Bowl in Honolulu.
And three Buckeyes -- linebackers A.J. Hawk and Bobby Carpenter and center Nick Mangold -- were invited to next week's Senior Bowl in Mobile, Ala. Hawk has decided not to Play, and Carpenter apparently will pass up the invite as well.

Kudla understands. "I sat down with my agent and talked things over and decided this was best for me," said Kudla, who was at his parents' home in Medina on Saturday instead of in Hawaii.

The Buckeyes defensive end decided he'd be better off spending all his time working out, one of many players who has been spending time trying to improve his strength and speed with OSU's Butch Reynolds.

Hawk has worked with Reynolds and as a likely top-10 pick has little to prove by playing in another game. Kudla believes his best chance at improving his draft stock will come at the combine, where he'd like to break the record for bench press repetitions at 225 pounds.

The unofficial mark is 45 -- Kudla said he lifted the weight 52 times last time he tried it in July.

"I just test well," Kudla said.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Too bad...I was looking forward to the possibility of pounding a few brews with Kuds...
WoodyWorshiper said:
Yea, I think it's in Mike's best interest to save it up for the scouts at the combines, rather than hanging out in Hawaii with all the Pakalolo smoking freaks, and dudes with 22 inch biceps and 3" schlongs.:biggrin: Peace
I don't know if Mili would qualify as a freak, or if being a freak is a good thing or a bad thing, BUT, I saw a photo of Mili posted on an earlier thread, and his biceps certainly looked bigger than 22 inch:biggrin: (no comment on schlong size)
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Kudla eyes record

OSU defensive end Mike Kudla has focused mostly on improving his agility since the season ended, but he still could threaten the unofficial bench-press record at the NFL Combine.

Kulda has done 52 repetitions with 225 pounds, well above the all-time mark of 45. But the Buckeyes curtail their weight-lifting during the season, and the Medina native hasn't maxed out since July.

"I had five months to get there before," he said. "Here, I'm just looking at six weeks.

"I've been doing a lot of speed stuff. If I break it, I break it."

The 6-foot-3, 265-pound Kudla was recruited as a linebacker. And although he's put on 35 pounds since arriving at OSU, he said his 40 times have remained under 4.6 seconds.

Contact Doug Harris at 225-2125.
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I think Mike will raise a lot of eyebrows at the combine. His strength and speed are unbeleivable.

Right now he is projected as a late round guy; but after the combine, I wouldn't be surprised to see him move up to a mid round guy.
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If any NFL program would take the time to go back through some tOSU film from this season, they would take note immediately to the fact that Mike could have easily had 15 sacks if he weren't being held every other play. I remember a couple of times throughout the year when I was reminded of big Will's senior year as he got held on practically EVERY single play.

If Mike puts up a 4.6 and does 52 bench, 600 squat I think he can slide into the 3rd or 4th. I think despite his heighth and fairly short arms for a DE that he will make a sufficient if not good NFL DE.
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