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DL Chris Carter, Jr. (Official Thread)

Bill Lucas;1867742; said:
I'm not sure I get this. How are "we" (Ohio State) in a little trouble? THe university has nothing to do with Chris Carter or his actions. I'm sure an appropriate decision will be made about the status of his offer.

In regards to Mr. Carter I hope he gets help as it's needed and that he does what he needs to do to get his life and mind in order. Some things are much more important than football.

I believe he was referring to our OLine issues.
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sandgk;1867682; said:
FCollins - disagree, almost entirely.

Timing of the news so close to LOI day gave coaches next to zero time for manouver. If allegations pan out true then only one party has egg on face, and it would not be tOSU.

(Aside - guess this, and the unrelated news about Walker, means OL is an even bigger focus than normal for 2012, 2013 classes).

Perhaps 'egg on face' was the wrong term here. What I meant was, Ohio State would likely have been implicated for recruiting a sex offender and dragged through the mud to some extent by E!SPN had he already signed. As it stands, the headlines will read 'Ohio State Recruit arrested on Molestation Charges'.
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Choose your words EXTREMELY carefully in this thread. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of guilt or innocence, we are going to take the high road around here and not be party to trashing a kid already going through a difficult situation or making of light of a criminal investigation with several alleged victims who have undoubtedly been horribly impacted by this.
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Just spoke with attorney for Chris Carter. He will remain in jail overnight, appear in court and be charged tomorrow.


Attorney not sure what charge will be, expecting a felony. Said an OSU coach has been in contact with Carter's mother. More as I get it.

Hard to imagine him playing football at OSU much less anywhere next year at this point but let's continue to be respectful as we monitor the situation.
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Bill Lucas;1867742; said:
I'm not sure I get this. How are "we" (Ohio State) in a little trouble? THe university has nothing to do with Chris Carter or his actions. I'm sure an appropriate decision will be made about the status of his offer.

In regards to Mr. Carter I hope he gets help as it's needed and that he does what he needs to do to get his life and mind in order. Some things are much more important than football.

Depth on the offensive line over the next few years.

And yes WE.
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The story has hit SI.com now, no new information though:


People are going to talk about it and cast the program in a bad light. They just need to do the right thing, take their medicine from the critics for a little while and move on. Not much you can do about it.

Tressel's press conference (which is going on right now, correct?) hopefully will address it in some form - something to the effect of, "We have signed all of the players we plan to bring in from this year's class" would seem to suffice.
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We are not screwed (depth-wise). We have Mewhort and Linsley, who are young, and Hall can slide down. Tommy Brown, Bobek, and Underwood are all interior OL in this class. Bennett could play there in a pinch. It would've been nice to add Walker, but we will be ok. If there is one thing we stocked up on in this class, it is interior lineman.
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RB07OSU;1867889; said:
We are not screwed (depth-wise). We have Mewhort and Linsley, who are young, and Hall can slide down. Tommy Brown, Bobek, and Underwood are all interior OL in this class. Bennett could play there in a pinch. It would've been nice to add Walker, but we will be ok. If there is one thing we stocked up on in this class, it is interior lineman.

Carter seemed destined for a redshirt so I feel pretty good saying that this has no effect on the OL depth for this year. Next year's class is already off to a good start in the OL department so I think the loss on the field can be mitigated without any problem. Certainly, the bigger issue is off the field. Unfortunate situation for everyone involved.
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NorthCoastKid;1867922; said:
Interesting development according to Ken Gordon of the Dispatch:

Carter story takes twist: Attorney says Carter will be released tonight, and detective tells him likely won't be charged. Free to sign?


That IS interesting. I guess it'll become apparent soon enough, whether he's charged or released.
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