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Disgraced Former Penn State DC Jerry Sandusky (convicted child molester)

Tune into tonight's CBS Evening News for scene 2.


CBSEveningNews CBS Evening News

RT @MilesDoranCBS Penn State asst. coach Mike McQueary speaks publicly for the first time to @CBSNews. TONIGHT on the @CBSEveningNews

12 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
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LightningRod;2036843; said:
A ringing endorsement for JS's lawyer.
Mary Amendola is apparently unconvinced. When Costas asked the lawyer if he would leave his children alone with Sandusky, Amendola said "yes, without hesitation."

"OMG," Mary Amendola wrote on her Facebook page, "did Joe just say that he would allow my kids to be alone with Jerry Sandusky?"

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More info about McQueary's actions. He stated in a second email that he spoke with police as well as the person in charge of the police department (i.e., Schultz).

Mike McQueary, the Penn State assistant football coach under fire for his reported lack of action in an alleged 2002 rape of a boy by Jerry Sandusky, said in an email to a former classmate that he stopped the assault in an athletic facility shower and discussed it with police.

In the email obtained by The Morning Call, McQueary wrote that he "did have discussions with police and with the official at the university in charge of police" following the alleged incident between Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant coach, and a boy. McQueary also wrote that he "is getting hammered for handling this the right way or what I thought at the time was right."

"I had to make tough impacting quick decisions," McQueary wrote.

He's expected to appear tonight on CBS Evening News, according to a tweet from CBS.

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knapplc;2036981; said:
Can someone explain to my why a judge isn't issuing a gag order on these Chatty Cathys? Are they trying to destroy the juror pool? This makes zero sense.

That's what I'm thinking as well. At this point, you really have to be hiding under a rock to not have heard anything at all about this. You probably couldn't get a "fair" trial in Alaska or Hawaii even, at this point. Absolutely ridiculous, although if what McQueary is claiming is true, it makes the coverup on PSU's part even worse. It doesn't excuse him not going to local or state authorities, but makes things a hell of a lot worse for the University/State College. Of course, that's if it is true.
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McQueary now says he did contact the police in email...

Text of Mike McQueary's email

The following is an email from Penn State wide receivers coach Mike McQueary. It was made available by a friend, who did not want to be identified.
... you are the first person I have told this ... and I don't know you extremely well ... and I have been told bye officials to not say anything ...
I did stop it, not physically ... but made sure it was stopped when I left that locker room ... I did have discussions with police and with the official at the university in charge of police .... no one can imagine my thoughts or wants to be in my shoes for those 30-45 seconds ... trust me.
Do with this what you want ... but I am getting hammered for handling this the right way ... or what I thought at the time was right ... I had to make tough impacting quick decisions.
This is off record ... again ... I have not and will not say anything to anyone else.

Entire article: http://espn.go.com/college-football...ittany-lions-scandal-text-mike-mcqueary-email
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ScriptOhio;2037186; said:
Text of Mike McQueary's email

The following is an email from Penn State wide receivers coach Mike McQueary. It was made available by a friend, who did not want to be identified.
... you are the first person I have told this ... and I don't know you extremely well ... and I have been told bye officials to not say anything ...
I did stop it, not physically ... but made sure it was stopped when I left that locker room ... I did have discussions with police and with the official at the university in charge of police .... no one can imagine my thoughts or wants to be in my shoes for those 30-45 seconds ... trust me.
Do with this what you want ... but I am getting hammered for handling this the right way ... or what I thought at the time was right ... I had to make tough impacting quick decisions.
This is off record ... again ... I have not and will not say anything to anyone else.

Entire article: http://espn.go.com/college-football...ittany-lions-scandal-text-mike-mcqueary-email

Oh contraire.
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ScriptOhio;2037186; said:
Text of Mike McQueary's email

The following is an email from Penn State wide receivers coach Mike McQueary. It was made available by a friend, who did not want to be identified.
... you are the first person I have told this ... and I don't know you extremely well ... and I have been told bye officials to not say anything ...
I did stop it, not physically ... but made sure it was stopped when I left that locker room ... I did have discussions with police and with the official at the university in charge of police .... no one can imagine my thoughts or wants to be in my shoes for those 30-45 seconds ... trust me.
Do with this what you want ... but I am getting hammered for handling this the right way ... or what I thought at the time was right ... I had to make tough impacting quick decisions.
This is off record ... again ... I have not and will not say anything to anyone else.

Entire article: http://espn.go.com/college-football...ittany-lions-scandal-text-mike-mcqueary-email

Yeah, that isn't a thinly veiled message to be leaked to the media.

When I only have one person in whom to confide confidential information to, I always choose someone 'I don't know extremely well' and tell them 'Do with this what you want'.
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