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Disgraced Former Penn State DC Jerry Sandusky (convicted child molester)

His attorney is an idiot...worst idea ever to allow anyone to interview sandusky...jim gray wouldnt of even been able to help this fucking waste of life sound remotely convincing...no one in the world believes sandusky is innocent, not even his own self
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The interview transcript:


I was particularly struck by Sandusky's responses in this segment of the interview:

Bob Costas: Mr. Sandusky there's a 40-count indictment, the grand jury report contains specific detail, there are multiple accusers, multiple eye-witnesses to various aspects of the abuse - a reasonable person says, 'where there's this much smoke, there must be plenty of fire.' What do you say?

Jerry Sandusky: I say that I am innocent of those charges.

Costas: Innocent? Completely innocent and falsely accused in every aspect?

Sandusky: Well, I could say that, you know, I have done some of those things. I have horsed around with kids, I have showered after workouts. I have hugged them and I have touched their leg without intent of sexual contact, but, um so if you look at it that way, there are things that would be accurate...

Costas: What about Mike McQueary, the grad assistant who in 2002 walked into the shower where he says, in specific detail, that you were forcibly raping a boy who appeared to be 10 or 11 years old? That his hands were up against the shower wall and he heard rhythmic 'slap, slap, slap, slapping sounds' and he described that as a rape?

Sandusky: I would say that that's false.

Watching, I was plagued by the nagging feeling I'd seen a version of this interview before.

Guess I had:

Sounds like Jerry took a page from Marie Barone's self-help manual: How To Lie Using Words.
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From what I'm reading this morning, Sandusky admitting to showering with these boys is already an admission of a misdemeanor, yet his attorney keeps claiming "nothing illegal" happened.

Something is quite wrong with this picture.
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knapplc;2036617; said:
From what I'm reading this morning, Sandusky admitting to showering with these boys is already an admission of a misdemeanor, yet his attorney keeps claiming "nothing illegal" happened.

Something is quite wrong with this picture.
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Well, in Jer's defense, that's precisely how PSU has been blowing off any sort of wrong doing through the years - "nope, not us, we didn't do anything wrong." Move along, nothing to see here.

Amazing how well they are at trivializing even the most egregious of issues.
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You know what that shit sounded like to me? One of these North American MBLA types...meaning a guy not that is innocent, not that has a compulsion that he knows is wrong but does it anyway, but that is pissed he has to keep this shit quiet, because he thinks it's perfectly natural. Just listen to the matter-of-fact tone to the whole damn thing...it's like he's talking about doing shit with a sorority girl in college. I think he's dying to blurt out "I like young boys, what's the big deal?" followed by some rationalization bullshit, and is pissed he can't. Won Sik Fok. :sick1:
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Bucklion;2036668; said:
You know what that shit sounded like to me? One of these North American MBLA types...meaning a guy not that is innocent, not that has a compulsion that he knows is wrong but does it anyway, but that is pissed he has to keep this shit quiet, because he thinks it's perfectly natural. Just listen to the matter-of-fact tone to the whole damn thing...it's like he's talking about doing shit with a sorority girl in college. I think he's dying to blurt out "I like young boys, what's the big deal?" followed by some rationalization bullshit, and is pissed he can't. Won Sik Fok. :sick1:

^-- This --^

His matter-of-fact attititude in his responses show he really doesn't give a shit and thinks it's no real big deal to fuck 10-year-old boys.
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Bucknut24;2036678; said:
hope he gets some jail time, those guys will give him the treatment he deserves

in prison, its worse to be a child molester than a murderer, you get fucked up for being a child toucher

GeorgiaBuck2;2036691; said:

Isn't it sad that these people even know that's morally wrong? But people who aren't in the slammer support this kind of crap?
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Bucknut24;2036678; said:
hope he gets some jail time, those guys will give him the treatment he deserves

in prison, its worse to be a child molester than a murderer, you get [censored]ed up for being a child toucher

And the very good explanation is that a great many of those in prison have found their way there as part of an unsuccessful attempt to deal with their own childhood molestation: self-medication with alcohol & drugs; misdirected violent rage; destroyed sense of self-worth; on and on.

Many pedophiles, like Gerry, get to prevail for years or decades, some forever, enjoying all manner of luxuries, adulation, financial and social success. It's their helpless victims who end up paying for the rest of their lives.
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