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Disgraced Former Penn State DC Jerry Sandusky (convicted child molester)

kentuckbuck;2036527; said:
So what I know the truth to be so far is both Sandusky and McQueary were both in the shower together and at one time their eyes locked ...after that it's all speculation as to what happened.

Are you saying this is all really nothing more than a lovers spat?
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More people have come forward

Close to 10 additional suspected victims have come forward to the authorities since the arrest of the former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky on Nov. 5 on 40 counts of sexually abusing young boys, according to people close to the investigation. The police are working to confirm the new allegations.

The news of additional accusations came on a day when Sandusky made his first extended public comments since his arrest, and the resignation of the chief executive of the Second Mile foundation, the charity founded by Sandusky, was made public. They were the latest developments in a case that has led to the ouster of several top university officials, including the football coach, Joe Paterno, and the president, Graham B. Spanier.

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Muck;2036532; said:
Are you saying this is all really nothing more than a lovers spat?

Pretty much...and then when Elmo took his dad to meet with Joe Pa and tell him it's over and he's moved on with somebody else, Joe Pa then offered him a promotion to stay and now we find ourselves here. Honestly my story sounds just as believable as everything else that keeps coming out.

Although I like Sandusky's recent reasoning and see if I can apply it to my life "Hey wife...I took a shower with some women but we were just horsing around innocently so it's ok..."
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OSU_Buckguy;2036510; said:
now get this:

sandusky's lawyer, joseph amendola, impregnated an underage girl in 1996. he was in his late 40s.

So you're saying he's an upstanding member of the community?

Anyway - Sandusky interview the logic test, not Occam's, but close.

If Sandusky is telling the truth now then he's dumber (and his attorney is dumber) than I thought.


Because it robs any testimony he might have given on the stand the advantage of immediacy, novelty in trying to convey to jury his proclaimed innocence.

It may help others peripheral to the case (State Penn, Second Mile) but I cannot really see this helping Sandusky at trial. Especially, and particularly when he declines to take the stand in his own defense.

If Sandusky isn't telling the truth then expect another wave of victims (or close encounters, or witnesses) to come forward and bury Sandusky, and / or Penn State / Second Mile.

In other words, we'll know fairly quickly if this was a stupid attempt at PR and spin. We'll know by counting the new complainants, the new witnesses.

As for the "I found the little guy" disclosure by Sandusky's attorney. Anyone want to discount the notion that it is a boy (now grown) who will testify that he was in the shower with Sandusky. But, he actually is not the kid (now grown) who was involved in the incident observed by McQueary?
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Muck;2036550; said:
"Am I attracted to underage boys? Sexually attracted? You know, I...I enjoy young people. I love to be around them..."

Quick bit of advice Jer...if someone asks you if you are sexually attracted to underage (boys/girls whatever)...the first word out of your mouth has to be an emphatic "NO".

:slappy: No fucking shit. That was the first thing I thought when he tapped danced around his response...
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kentuckbuck;2036558; said:
Anyone else think this could be his suicide note? Told his side and then "quits" after he got last word in.

Wonder what his wife and family think? They bought into the story or maybe afraid of him like the kids

To be completely honest, I would not be the least bit surprised if Sandusky offs himself sometime in the next few weeks. He now has the permanent reputation of a child molester, his family has been completely disgraced, and he's about to go spend what little good years he has left in prison.

Hell, if he doesn't do it now, I'm sure some of his soon-to-be "roommates" will make him wish he had.
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Here is a link to the page where you can listen to thewhole interview:


I didn't really detect any real emotion in his voice. I am pretty sure that I would be a bit more on edge if I were wrongfully accused of RAPING YOUNG BOYS!!!

And the hesitation to say "No" to the question of being sexualy attracted to young boys says something. As mentioned before, I would have expected a stern NO! with some feeling behind it.

He seems to be a very cold person in that interview IMO.
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