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Disgraced Former Penn State DC Jerry Sandusky (convicted child molester)

LightningRod;2036502; said:
We have McQueary on the one hand coming out with new info today claiming he did stop the rape versus the Sandusky camp claiming they have the 10 year old boy who claims nothing happened. Somebody is lying.

Didn't McQueary just perjure himself then? Because it said in the Grand Jury Report that he left the locker room and called his dad, without stopping the act. And how can towel slapping sound rhythmic?

Why would someone slide on a public shower floor?

Maybe both are lying (Sandusky and McQueary).
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LightningRod;2036498; said:
I think this is more about Sandusky's lawyers trying to speak to the potential jurors. A PR battle is underway.

Meh. Doesn't seem like a smart thing for a defense lawyer to do.

Disclosure. I'm no lawyer and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
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scarletmike;2036488; said:
It is hard to sit here and listen to this sicko try and rationalize and explain away.

His lawyer is claiming they identified victim #2, but the state has not. Yeah, that isn't suspicious at all. Aren't they compelled to inform opposition of witnesses/victims?
now get this:

sandusky's lawyer, joseph amendola, impregnated an underage girl in 1996. he was in his late 40s.
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CHU;2036505; said:
Didn't McQueary just perjure himself then? Because it said in the Grand Jury Report that he left the locker room and called his dad, without stopping the act. And how can towel slapping sound rhythmic?

Why would someone slide on a public shower floor?

Maybe both are lying (Sandusky and McQueary).

We only read a presentment. We do not have access to the grand jury testimony. Also for Sandusky's legal team - are all of teh other victims lying? Is teh wrestling coach lying? How about teh principal?
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dav713;2036508; said:
Meh. Doesn't seem like a smart thing for a defense lawyer to do.

Disclosure. I'm no lawyer and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Usually defense team "educates" potential jurors through the defense lawyer interviews, not the defendant's interviews. I would love to read the full grand jury testimony. Also, I am sure somebody will be receiving a grand jury John Doe summons to identify the 10 year old.
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LightningRod;2036513; said:
Usually defense team "educates" potential jurors through the defense lawyer interviews, not the defendant's interviews.

Ah we're on the same page then.

I would love to read the full grand jury testimony. Also, I am sure somebody will be receiving a grand jury John Doe summons to identify the 10 year old.

Yea, me too. Although I could go for some of the sexual abuse details being redacted.
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LightningRod;2036489; said:
So Sandusky's legal team found the 10 year old boy? Or did they manufacture a 10 year old boy? Getting interesting.

The rumor on the PSU boards is that the kid was actually 16.

So it's OK.

Seriously a 58 year old man playing naked slap & tickle with a 16 y/o in the shower is all good according to the good people of Happy Valley.

Bucky Katt;2036492; said:
I'm a bit sickened with NBC giving this guy an opportunity to try to foster sympathy from the public.

I see as NBC handing him a shovel to see how deep he'll dig.

"Well yeah I took naked showers with little boys and touched their ding dings...but I'm not a pedophile."

MaxBuck;2036507; said:
But someone had to say it, and everyone hates me already.

Shut up Taos.
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