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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)

ant80;2183593; said:
Are you likening Gandhi to Joe Pa? Gandhi is a Mahatma, or a "great soul" in Sanskrit. As an American of Indian heritage, I take great offense to that. Retract that statement.
I apologize. JoePa was clearly a superior human, and should not be mentioned in the same sentence as a poorly-dressed malnourished hippie like Gandhi.
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Buckeye513;2183603; said:
I apologize. JoePa was clearly a superior human, and should not be mentioned in the same sentence as a poorly-dressed malnourished hippie like Gandhi.

Ghandi did shit for people. Did he donate to a school and build a library? Ummm... no.... He starved himself frequently. Big fucking deal.
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Buckeye513;2183603; said:
I apologize. JoePa was clearly a superior human, and should not be mentioned in the same sentence as a poorly-dressed malnourished hippie like Gandhi.

As a former poorly-dressed hippie, I am offended.
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Listening to Charles Davis on a local station. For the most part, I've always agreed with him most of the time about college football, because he seems like one of the most non-biased voices for the sport out there.

Until today. He doesn't think that the wins should have been vacated.

Probably the former player in him.
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BB73;2183455; said:
Family statement in reaction to the sanctions:

While I can understand they want to protect their patriarch they don't seem to grasp the fact that it isn't a question of whether Joe Pa is guilty in a court of law of an actual crime, or not. In the end, it doesn't matter nearly as much as public perception of the NCAA, Penn State, its athletic program, and their future.

The actions taken were necessary because of those things. Whether or not Joe Pa could be convicted in court matters little to anyone outside of the family bubble and the happy valley cult. I don't think they'll ever get that.
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alexhortdog95;2183606; said:
Listening to Charles Davis on a local station. For the most part, I've always agreed with him most of the time about college football, because he seems like one of the most non-biased voices for the sport out there.

Until today. He doesn't think that the wins should have been vacated.

Probably the former player in him.

The vacating of wins was the easiest and most painful sanction to PSU that the NCAA could do. If you were in the NCAA's shoes would you want JoePa as the all time winningest Coach? It's bad for business under the circumstances of the last 9 months.
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If the Paterno family really wants to capitalize on Joe's legacy -- as a last-ditch effort -- they'll release a tell-all book (their side of the story).

I know there was a biography being written about his when this scandal hit, but I'm speaking about a totally different subject matter (not just a straight-up biography, as was being written).
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I've lived close to a half-century. I've never seen someone go into a free fall in terms of reputation the way Joe Paterno has. I always respected him. There was no reason not to.

The warning sign was when the AD and the Prez went to his home and told him it was time to go. He told them to go. Not sure what year that was, but it was within the last 10 years.

Paterno, it appears, became all about being the all-time winningest coach, and he did whatever he had to do to accomplish that - including covering up Sandusky's crimes. Incredible.

Gee joked about worrying about being fired by Tressel, but he and Smith eventually pushed him out. Spanier and the AD seemed to be not joking in relation to Paterno.

Worship of a man is never a good idea.
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