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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)

"Thanks buddy!"

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BB73;2183005; said:
Congrats on 298 career wins.

112 PSU victories (all but 1 with JoePa as the coach) from 1998 through 2011 have been vacated by the NCAA.
Also looks like they'll have to vacate their partial conference titles in 2005 and 2008, which will give Ohio State five straight outright Big Ten championships (2005-2009), the only time that has happened in conference history.
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alexhortdog95;2183025; said:
Still a slap on the wrist if you ask me. What the hell is a postseason ban going to do to them anyway?!?

NCAA has....has....

Major League II -- No Marbles! - YouTube

Eh, maybe, maybe not. $60M is big. That's gonna leave a mark. 10 schollies per year for 4 years is huge. Vacating the wins is a big F you to the Paterno family and the PSU cult members. The NCAA presence, as well as them reserving the right to further investigate and act accordingly is huge, in my opinion. Recruiting is going to suffer for a long, long time.
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The good thing is that the 4 year Bowl ban means that any player currently attending PSU can transfer immediately without having to sit a year. If it had been three, the frosh class would have to sit out a year or grin and bear the penalties in Happy Valley.

I absolutely think the punishments should be harsh in this matter, but once again, I do not believe that punishing the young men who had nothing to do with this scandal is the right move.
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GomerBucks;2183058; said:
I absolutely think the punishments should be harsh in this matter, but once again, I do not believe that punishing the young men who had nothing to do with this scandal is the right move.

So, they could have enacted the death penalty for 2 years and still allowed the kids to transfer with no limitations....
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Less than two hours after Mark Emmert's press conference, I'm surprised the Paterno family has not released a statement yet defending Joe Paterno and disparaging the NCAA.

Probably still drafting the statement (or more past letters from Joe).
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BB73;2183005; said:
Congrats on 298 career wins.

112 PSU victories (all but 1 with JoePa as the coach) from 1998 through 2011 have been vacated by the NCAA.

LordJeffBuck;2183038; said:
Also looks like they'll have to vacate their partial conference titles in 2005 and 2008, which will give Ohio State four straight outright Big Ten championships, the only time that has happened in conference history.

BB73;2183202; said:
It's fine to talk about the vacated wins in this thread - but let's discuss the impact of the other sanctions in either the 'Penn State, State Penn'; or the 'sanctions' thread.

just FYI

BusNative;2178025; said:
In all seriousness:

Year... Wins...Losses
1998..... 9 ........ 3
1999..... 10 ...... 3
2000..... 5 ........ 7
2001..... 5 ........ 6
2002..... 9 ........ 4
2003..... 3 ........ 9
2004..... 4 ........ 7
2005..... 11 ...... 1
2006..... 9 ........ 4
2007..... 9 ........ 4
2008..... 11 ...... 2
2009..... 11 ...... 2
2010...... 7 ....... 6
2011..... 9 ........ 4
Total... 112..... 60

409-112 = 297 === not quite as good as Tubby Raymond

or 298 by BB73's calcs, which are almost assuredly better than mine...
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BusNative;2183215; said:
just FYI

or 298 by BB73's calcs, which are almost assuredly better than mine...

JoePa didn't coach the last win in 2011 (at tOSU), so his deduction is 1 less than the PSU total, which is why he's now at 298.
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Family statement in reaction to the sanctions:

Sexual abuse is reprehensible, especially when it involves children, and no one starting with Joe Paterno condones or minimizes it. The horrific acts committed by Jerry Sandusky shock the conscience of every decent human being. How Sandusky was able to get away with his crimes for so long has yet to be fully understood, despite the claims and assertions of the Freeh report.

The release of the Freeh report has triggered an avalanche of vitriol, condemnation and posthumous punishment on Joe Paterno. The NCAA has now become the latest party to accept the report as the final word on the Sandusky scandal. The sanctions announced by the NCAA today defame the legacy and contributions of a great coach and educator without any input from our family or those who knew him best.

That the President, the Athletic Director and the Board of Trustees accepted this unprecedented action by the NCAA without requiring a full due process hearing before the Committee on Infractions is an abdication of their responsibilities and a breach of their fiduciary duties to the University and the 500,000 alumni. Punishing past, present and future students of the University because of Sandusky's crimes does not serve justice. This is not a fair or thoughtful action; it is a panicked response to the public's understandable revulsion at what Sandusky did.

The point of due process is to protect against this sort of reflexive action. Joe Paterno was never interviewed by the University or the Freeh Group. His counsel has not been able to interview key witnesses as they are represented by counsel related to ongoing litigation. We have had no access to the records reviewed by the Freeh group. The NCAA never contacted our family or our legal counsel. And the fact that several parties have pending trials that could produce evidence and testimony relevant to this matter has been totally discounted.

Unfortunately all of these facts have been ignored by the NCAA, the Freeh Group and the University.

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I'm sure the Freeh group and the university just didn't want to ruin JoePed's weekend.

GuUess what, Paterno, family... Let's just assume you're analysis is correct.. you know what? The University... the Freeh group... none of these people owe you, your patriarch, or your family SHIT.

The twisted old man was an employee. Nothing more, nothing less.

Deal with it.
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