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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)

HilmerJ;2182712; said:
when the priests and pastors rape little alter boys...they also are associated with jesus christ....that is the only connection i see with joe pa and jesus

I think one of the cowardly janitors was named jesus so there is that connection.
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Delaware Buck;2182825; said:
Southe...A Bu
Post #746
Pleasant Gap
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Re: The Mob Cried Out "Crucify Him!"Edit | Reply The outline of the players against the wall is like a concrete Shroud of Turin.
7/22 9:33 PM | IP: Logged

And those molds on the ground is where they dug their feet in to keep the rape of young boys a secret so the football program could advance on without controversy.
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Saw this on Reddit:

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SAT Question #1 - Writing and Grammar
please chose which sentence uses the word cover-up the best

A. Joe Paterno had 40 cover-ups for 40 rapes.
B. Joe Paterno had 1 cover-up for 40 rapes.
C. Joe Paterno had had to change his pants at halftime to cover-up the poop stains.
D. Jerry Sandusky is sick of the getting raped, he would rather stick a bed cover-up his butt.
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BB73;2183005; said:
Congrats on 298 career wins.

112 PSU victories (all but 1 with JoePa as the coach) from 1998 through 2011 have been vacated by the NCAA.
Takes Joe Fraud out of the 300 Win Club. Nice!

Also reduces his career winning percentage down to .685, not exactly a great number.
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