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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)

OSU_Buckguy;2183734; said:
this is a must-watch video that sheds so much retrospective light on the culture of football under paterno:

Penn State Scandal - YouTube

The quote to take away from that video:

"It's probably fair to say that some of the luster has been lost."

Anyone who watches JoPa in that video would not have any problem believing he could be involved in a purposeful coverup.

To paraphrase: "10 kids? Sounds like you've been doing a lot of probing. Some kind of witch hunt."
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Oh8ch;2183743; said:
Anyone who watches JoPa in that video would not have any problem believing he could be involved in a purposeful coverup.

To paraphrase: "10 kids? Sounds like you've been doing a lot of probing. Some kind of witch hunt."

Yep. My thoughts exactly.

OHSportsFan;2183748; said:
What a god-awful liar he is. Lying right through his teeth and can barely hide it. Looking around all over the place. No direct answer, followed by playing dumb with his good ol' "JoePa charm."

Fuck Joseph Vincent Paterno.

Yep. My thoughts exactly.

Thanks guys for typing all of that for me. :wink:
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I'm back, bitches!
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;2183463; said:
I'm sure the Freeh group and the university just didn't want to ruin JoePed's weekend.

GuUess what, Paterno, family... Let's just assume you're analysis is correct.. you know what? The University... the Freeh group... none of these people owe you, your patriarch, or your family SHIT.

The twisted old man was an employee. Nothing more, nothing less.

Deal with it.

Are those FACTS?
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Taosman;2184146; said:
Paterno "It sounds like a witch hunt!" " I didn't hear that!"
Spanier "We don't want bad publicity." Sound familiar?
All the bad signs were there if you just ignored the propaganda.

Everything about Paterno--his body language, his arrogant tone, his choice of language--says FUCK YOU. How dare you accuse me of anything you insignificant piece of shit.

"Probing" = witch hunt in his warped mind.

I really wished he hadn't taken the coward's way out and offed himself. I wish that he was alive to suffer every fucking moment of this!
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ORD_Buckeye;2184159; said:
Everything about Paterno--his body language, his arrogant tone, his choice of language--says FUCK YOU. How dare you accuse me of anything you insignificant piece of shit.

"Probing" = witch hunt in his warped mind.

I really wished he hadn't taken the coward's way out and offed himself. I wish that he was alive to suffer every fucking moment of this!

He really wanted to say was this....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGpjK3OFC4k"]Joe Pesci Casino f word scorsese - YouTube[/ame]
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ORD_Buckeye;2184159; said:
Everything about Paterno--his body language, his arrogant tone, his choice of language--says [censored] YOU. How dare you accuse me of anything you insignificant piece of [Mark May].

"Probing" = witch hunt in his warped mind.

I really wished he hadn't taken the coward's way out and offed himself. I wish that he was alive to suffer every [censored]ing moment of this!

Not only that but this was a 2007 interview and he looks in total control of his mental state. He's lucid, he understands the questions, he has quick responses - though defiant. So the folks over at BWI and elsewhere that say in 1998 & 2001 the guy was starting to slip mentally and didn't understand "man/boy rape" are full of shit. He knew exactly what was happening at all times right up until the last year or two when he had that viral attack that caused him slip mentally and physically.
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