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Decanonized Mythologized Disgraced Ped State Monster Coach Joe Paterno (Zombie Icon)

Delaware Buck;2184370; said:
Not only that but this was a 2007 interview and he looks in total control of his mental state. He's lucid, he understands the questions, he has quick responses - though defiant. So the folks over at BWI and elsewhere that say in 1998 & 2001 the guy was starting to slip mentally and didn't understand "man/boy rape" are full of [Mark May]. He knew exactly what was happening at all times right up until the last year or two when he had that viral attack that caused him slip mentally and physically.

You don't understand the FACTS! He was older than 70, and no one of that age understands child molestation.
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Zurp;2184604; said:
I'm under 70. I don't understand why anyone would do something so sick.

But being under 70, your "lack of understanding" (aka moral reprehension) would result in you taking actions against such sick individuals. Once you turn 70, that capacity is somehow lost and becomes a justifiable reason for non-action...at least if you are a college football coach in Insular, PA.
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He was a real piece of work. Professors at Ped State even have said his desire to win was all he cared about. And that family is one piece of work also, trying to "protect the brand" by their statements against the Freeh Report. Paterno's trial would have made for some real courtroom drama.
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Taosman;2184625; said:
And that family is one piece of work also, trying to "protect the brand" by their statements against the Freeh Report.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? I could imagine their family dinners.

All I need to know about the way they think of their father (Joe and Scott PedTurno) is this:

They call him Joe when they talk about him. Joe.

What happened to, "Dad"?!?

Even they want to distance themselves from him! :biggrin:



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Man I think this guy is lining up to be the next "Dear Leader". I heard part of this interview today in the car, but it cut out. In the part I did hear he came across like a total wack job.

Franco Harris, if nothing else, is persistently loyal. The Hall of Fame running back continues to defend his alma mater, Penn State, even in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky case. The details of that were damning, as were the findings in The Freeh Report, revealing the Penn State cover-up attempts. Former head coach Joe Paterno had his legacy smashed to pieces upon the release of The Freeh Report, and Harris says it's now his goal to help clear Paterno's name in the fallout of this mess

Read more at: http://www.nesn.com/2012/07/franco-...-still-hoping-to-clear-joe-paternos-name.html


The full interview on the DP show can be heard here: http://www.danpatrick.com
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Dottie Sandusky and the Paternos have a lot in common. One thing is the deep denial of wrong doing by their loved ones. I have seen that families will have trouble seeing the truth of evil and will protect their family over "outsiders". I applaud people who have the courage and morals to report family members wrong doing. It must be immensely difficult.
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