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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

I will be sorely diappointed if we dont take Gibson in this class. Hes exactly what tressel is looking for, smaller linebackers with great speed to stop the growing trend of spread offenses. For some reason I have a gut feeling that we still have a good chance...
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I will be sorely diappointed if we dont take Gibson in this class. Hes exactly what tressel is looking for, smaller linebackers with great speed to stop the growing trend of spread offenses. For some reason I have a gut feeling that we still have a good chance...

I wouldn't exactly classify Gibson as a smaller LB. He's 6-3 210 right now. He's definitely got the frame to play around 240 easy.
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Read on a UM board that a recruiting expert (insinuated it was Lemming) stated Gibson's top two are Iowa and UM. If that's true you have to think someone told him it's too late grade-wise to get into OSU. If true it sucks.
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Duane Long said today in his chat that the chance of Gibson being in this class were non-existant. He actually told people to move on and forget about him. :(
You heard it here first....

As far as Thad being 210 on his way to 240, think again.... He's closer to 190 now, and will never be a 260-pound monster SAM/DE like Carp. I see him as being a Josh Buhl type (former K-State star LB), with a little more height.
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Read on a UM board that a recruiting expert (insinuated it was Lemming) stated Gibson's top two are Iowa and UM. If that's true you have to think someone told him it's too late grade-wise to get into OSU. If true it sucks.

But I thought Michigan had such high academic standards.:! Anyway, hope the kid gets his academics together and selects tOSU.
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Cleveland PD

More than lesson learned for Gibson
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Bob Fortuna
Plain Dealer Reporter
It's been close to three months since Euclid's standout linebacker Thaddeus Gibson was dismissed midway through a 33-0 loss to visiting Lake Catholic on opening week, but it's a lesson the 6-2½, 215-pounder feels will last a lifetime.

"I lost my cool," said Gibson, who was ejected in the third quarter for hitting a Cougar player in the face mask after a verbal argument. "I'm kind of happy it happened because it was a learning lesson. I did it out of frustration. I was being double- and tripled-team, things weren't going our way and I've been sorry ever since."

Gibson was allowed to practice with the Panthers before their Week 2 game.

"I played on the scout team all week and I used that time to get my teammates ready for Strongsville," said Gibson. "Since then, my total focus has been to help get Euclid a (Lake Erie League Lake Division) championship and into the postseason."

Mission accomplished on both counts.

"I've learned opposing teams will test me," Gibson said. "But it's my job not to let it get to me."

One of the most highly recruited players in the nation, Gibson thought his misconduct would chase most college scouts, but that doesn't seem so, saying he's received about 14 scholarship offers from Tennessee, Boston College and all the Big Ten schools.

"I'm making my official visit to Michigan during the Michigan-Ohio State weekend," Gibson said. "I'll visit Tennessee on Dec. 3, and I plan to visit OSU and some of the other schools."

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