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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

If he doesn't have the grades for OSU, than how in heck would he have the grades for Iowa and Mich.?

I was thinking the same thing....or Notre Dame?

The only thing I can think of, is that it isn't a matter of getting admitted, but rather our willingness to take a risk given our APR situation
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I was thinking the same thing....or Notre Dame?

The only thing I can think of, is that it isn't a matter of getting admitted, but rather our willingness to take a risk given our APR situation

first off, there is the ncaa clearinghouse then there are osu admissions. those are two seperate hurdles. also, both iowa and michigan have shown that they are willing to take borderline academic cases such as kyle williams and marques slocum, neither of which made it through clearinghouse.
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I thought I read somewhere that Tressel was limited to one or two(?) 'borderline' cases. If anyone can corroborate the veracity of this, then who would be a better bet than Gibson? The LB from California? I don't think that any of the early verbals fall into this category......:oh: :io:
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The fact that our chances of getting Derrell Johnson, at least for me, helps ease the pain of possibly losing out on Gibson/Cumberland/Johnson because of grades. Hopefully Thad (and any other recruits that are on OSU's radar but are possible academic casualties) is getting things taken care of in the classroom because if he does, the opportunities that will be available to him will be endless. Hopefully most people realize this isn't just about signing football players...it's more about a young man getting the best education he can and giving himself an opportunity for a better life.
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The fact that our chances of getting Derrell Johnson, at least for me, helps ease the pain of possibly losing out on Gibson/Cumberland/Johnson because of grades. Hopefully Thad (and any other recruits that are on OSU's radar but are possible academic casualties) is getting things taken care of in the classroom because if he does, the opportunities that will be available to him will be endless. Hopefully most people realize this isn't just about signing football players...it's more about a young man getting the best education he can and giving himself an opportunity for a better life.

Well said Wadc!!! Too bad everyone doesn't get it.
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If he doesn't have the grades for OSU, than how in heck would he have the grades for Iowa and Mich.? He either does or he doesn't. :smash:
Another simple read on this subject (which I have asked about before) comes - of all places from BN.

Typical threshold for most D-1A's (including Iowa and sCUM, and, for that matter should they choose, ND). ACT in the 16/18 range.
Typical threshold at OSU - 21.
Primary reason for the difference, setting ships to rights as APR approaches.

Though I still hold out faint hope that Gibson gets the grades to go where he obviously first wishes to go :osu: if he does not then I can understand if he chooses other options.
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