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DE/LB Thaddeus Gibson (official thread)

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By Allen Wallace...Thad will visit Michigan for the OSU game. He favors Michigan, OSU, PSU and Tennessee (all offered). He has been talking to Coach Fickell about setting up his official to OSU. He will visit Tennessee on 12/3.

Sounds like the staff is still pursuing Thad as if they are confident he can get through admissions...hope that is the case.
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Sounds like the staff is still pursuing Thad as if they are confident he can get through admissions...hope that is the case.

me too. maybe they get his last official, which will be taken after his ACT retake. perhaps then osu knows where he stands academically with half of the school year done.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
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<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3>He's Gotta Win

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Thaddeus Gibson

</TD><TD noWrap width=3></TD><TD vAlign=top>By Allen Wallace
National Recruiting Editor
Date: Oct 28, 2005

Ohio linebacker Thaddeus Gibson reports 11 sacks and one punt block through nine games. "I'm not sure on any other stats off the top of my head," said the Euclid five-star prospect, "but I'll tell you one thing… I'm gonna get two interceptions and 50 sacks tonight! We gotta win that game!"
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Linebacker Thaddeus Gibson (6-3, 205, 4.5), of Euclid, Ohio, favors Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State, with Tennessee a close fourth (all offered).
"I am really open with my top schools," said Gibson of Euclid High School. "But those are the ones I have been thinking most about lately. I don't have just one favorite."
Michigan will get his first official on Nov. 18.
"I am going up there for the Michigan/Ohio State game -- it should be good.
"I am going there because they asked me first a long time ago. Actually, I was there as a junior unofficially and we set it up then. I sat down and talked with Coach (Lloyd) Carr when I was there.
"It's a great environment there -- small and compact. It would be a good place to get to know a lot of people," he said.
"Ohio State is close to home and all my family can come watch. It's a major program. Actually, it's a lot like Michigan. It's about the same distance -- two-and-a-half hours -- to each one.
"I have been talking to Coach (Luke) Fickell (co-defensive coordinator/linebackers), and he was going to get back to me this week to try to set up a date for my official at Ohio State. So, I should have that set up pretty soon.
"One of my former teammates goes to Penn State: Chris Harrell (safety) plays there. His dad calls me a lot and tells me how it's going there. I will probably set up a visit there soon.
"I have set up an official at Tennessee for Dec. 3. I am not sure on a fifth visit anywhere," Gibson said.
"All of the schools have been recruiting me for outside linebacker.
"I will choose a place based on how comfortable I am with the coaching staff and the atmosphere at the school. I want to take my officials before committing anywhere," he said.
Gibson reports 11 sacks and one punt block. "I'm not sure on any other stats off the top of my head," he said, "but I'll tell you one thing… I'm gonna get two interceptions and 50 sacks tonight! We gotta win that game!" Euclid (6-3) hosts Mentor in their last regular season game on Oct. 28. If Euclid wins the game, the team wins the league championship and heads to the playoffs. 2.5 GPA/Dec. 11 ACT retake -- needs to improve score.
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Duane Long said today in his chat that the chance of Gibson being in this class were non-existant. He actually told people to move on and forget about him. :(

I love Duane's insight, but he seems to be ready to jump ship too soon, alot of people were saying the same thing about Freddie last year, but we still took some sort of chance on him. I think that if he improves his score he still has a chance.
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