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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

Great, great news! I am so glad to see Nathan in this class. Nathan loves OSU and will not only be a great player, but a great student and a player that loves OSU and respects it's history. I can also tell you from playing against him how intense he is. He is one fired up guy on the field and is relentless...every play he gives 100%. Add all that to his natural talent and freakish measurables and we will have one heck of a player. Very excited for Nathan.
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His scouting Ohio film is very impressive. He may not be as physically imposing as Gholston is, but I can definitely see him playing as fast as Gholston does.

Depending on how his body handles the weight when he gets to OSU, he could also develop into one of those versatile lineman that can play either end or DT a la Barrow or Patterson.
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Wooohhh.... I am really excited about this but I thought for sure he was going to be a camp offer if he performed well enough there.... Any insights on what made the coaches pull the trigger?

I still say he reminds me a lot of Mike V.
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Congrats to Nathan! :osu: I think he can be the perfect LEO in our system. We blitzed Carpenter a lot and I think we'll do the same with Nathan.

Just read the article on Bucknuts. Apparently the coaches had a chance to check on his grades, talk with him and watch him at a track meet throughout the day. Must have been an impressive young man, for Tressel asked him if he wanted to be a Buckeye.
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What's different about Williams from Dublin and Thomas is that Williams plays on two feet from the LBer position while the other two played in the trenches with their hands in the dirt.

What position he comes in will depend a lot on his body growth. If he blows up to 260, I think you will see a move a DE, much like Mike Kudla. If he plays around 240-245 comfortably, then like the Bucknuts evaluation of him, he could be like a Matt Wilhelm type at MLBer or a Bobby Carpenter at Leo. I think that's the key reason the coaches haven't discussed his playing position very much yet.
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