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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

Gotta say that out of all the commits we've had over the last six years I've been seriously following recruiting, this is by far the most "out of left field" commit of them all...and could end up being one of the most productive.
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I agree. Very random and yet very solid. He is extremely impressive on film and could really do some damage from the LEO spot at OSU. 6'5, 245, 4.7 speed, wicked mean streak and a great work ethic, and on top of that he commits on the spot. He is a true buckeye in every sense of the word. Great pick up.
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Gotta hand it to Duane Long, this is some prety darn good writing..

He reminds me of Homan in the fact that he plays small school football but he is one of the rare ones that rises so far above his level of competition that you have to discount it. He is not a big fish in a small pond. He is Moby Dick in a goldfish bowl. Like Homan he needs to be taken off the field to make the game fair.

Don't you just love small-school football in Ohio? Awesome!

Welcome aboard, Nathan! Hope all your Buckeye dreams come true.
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As for the competition level...think Ross Homan. Yeah, Nathan is playing against weaker competition but is also dominating the way of player of his caliber should. I can't get past the Bobby Carpenter comparisons, if this kid gets it done in the weight room and working with Coach Reynolds.

Welcome to the Buckeye family Nate!
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