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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

The Man;820670; said:
Unproven depth.

Exactly. We have a fair number of young players, hopefully they'll all develop. And hopefully Nathan, or anyone for that fact, doesnt need to grayshirt. That we can round out this class with the 6 or so kids left we want. (i.e. Long, Pryor, Hale, Sweat, ...)
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ryan20;820661; said:
I dont think it means he is any less of a player, he might just be at a spot where he wouldnt contribute much after a redshirt year... We do have some fair depth at DE. Dublin, Rose, Williams, Wilson, Thomas.

Wilson will be gone by the time Nathan is a rsFr, and Rose might be gone if puts it all together. Regardless, I think the Gators proved that you can never have too many talented edge rushers...
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any chance that more kids like... Cordale Scott start committing to ensure their spots in this class? We saw that kind of with basketball this season where Evan Turner jumped in before some other person, I think it was Tyus.
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