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DE/LB Nathan Williams (official thread)

Ryan moved from Washington Court House to Cali, if Nathan did the reverse, that is a pretty big coincidence considering both are tall, lean, big time DE prospects, w/ the same last name w/ the same small town Ohio connections. I have read they are related, maybe, maybe not.
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Been waiting on this for a while...Man I would think the only question that I can have after watching that is competition. He has feet, plays well in traffic, nasty, motor, tackles well, great frame, size, and athletic ability. Seems like some other schools are coming in with offers, and I can only think that the staff was really wanting to see him first hand due to lack of competition, but I think they may get their hand pushed a little. I don't have many doubts that he ends up in this class...BTW I also think he has DE written all over him, Leo position to be exact as he will be able to drop back much like you see Gholston do...
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wow, it was pretty impressive! like cbf said, he is a great talent. what really impresses me is his anticipation to the ball. he's got that great defensive instinct. hope he performs well during camp, we offer then he commits!


osu.edu ROCKS!!!
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Obviously Nathan Williams is a superb athlete... much better than anyone in that league... but man I just dont know how u can judge a guy on that film against that competition... Some of those opponents.. actually all of those opponents looked downright bad... Trace had like 4-5 guys in the backfield every play...

I just cant evaluate Nate (and where he fits at OSU) based on those highlights.... Would have liked to have seen him in the LEO position instead of just blitzing from the LB position...

Anyway, staff knows their stuff, and i trust they'll be able to look past the weak competition and determine whether Nate is worthy of a schollie in a year where there arent too many spots available
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It's easy to see that Nathan is a hard-nosed football player and has the right football attitude on film. That said, he's going to need a pretty good camp to earn an offer. The film doesn't really show Nathan's range, as most of the time OLers are not getting to the second level and he's bringing down the RBs head on. On the blitzes he's getting to the QB unimpeded most of the time. As far as LBer goes, I think that Zordich offers more athleticism and more range at the MLBer position. And as far as DE goes, Nathan is going to get a chance to show off his speed and athletic ability to get around offensive tackles at camp this summer.

PS. I have never seen HS film of Mike Kudla. Kudla was around 6-4, 235 and ran a 4.4 at camp (however, Rivals had him running a 4.65). I presume that their films look similar since Kudla also played MLBer and played in a small school (Medina Highland) as well. Also, Kudla had an extremely productive HS career, as his 210 tackles during his senior season shows. Nathan may turn out to be the same type of player and earn a scholarship. If he wows the coaches with a dazzling 40 I'm sure he'll get an offer as well.
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OSUBucks22;811451; said:
BG $


By BK... Nathan was recently at a tOSU practice. Coach Fickell told him that staff would like him to come to their camp June 22. Nathan says that if tOSU keeps waiting, he may start leaning to Oklahoma.

I understand getting fed up with waiting, but I thought he said he would do anything to earn an OSU offer. I do think if he comes to the OSU camp he will earn an offer though.
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OSUnumber45;811462; said:
I understand getting fed up with waiting, but I thought he said he would do anything to earn an OSU offer. I do think if he comes to the OSU camp he will earn an offer though.

I think he comes to camp for sure... I just don't expect him to wait long after that for an offer...
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After watching his film more carefully the second time, Nathan has more range and sideline to sideline ability than I thought. There is a play in there where he was covering the guy in the slot and gave up only a step to the guy after running 20 yards downfield. Right now, I think he is LBer all the way, just like Bobby Carpenter was when he first came here. As he gets stronger and faster, he has to chance to play the Carp, as cbf mentioned before. It all comes down to his 40 time though, as bad as it sounds. With a 4.55 or 4.6 40s, you have yourself a Bobby Carpenter clone.

PS. Just another reason why this year's shortage of schollies sucks. With us already having three priority prospects at LBer, more offers there is going to be hard to come by. Maybe the coaches will consider an offer at DE, but I think that Nathan's more natural position right now is at LBer and is going to need time to develop into a DE.
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