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DC Jim Knowles (Official Thread)

Cause he saw the dude miss open long bomb after open long bomb and their offense built on the run. So he built the D to be spill and kill on the run. But McSpin pass had his best day of the year and hit some deep passes. By the time he thought to adjust the O had started sputtering and playing for 3 and outs to get the ball back to the O was the name of day.
The players didn't help Knowles either.... if Cam Brown tackles his assignment they're punting. Cam Martinez gets torched on a double move and then Ransom blows his assignments too.

The two long runs can have shared blame too. Twice we didn't fill hard enough and both times they got through our only line of defense since we were selling out.
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I question why he took some of those coverage risks knowing the issues in the secondary.
he was gambling that mccarthy was going to be the one to make a mistake rather than his secondary. he made that gamble multiple times and he lost multiple times.

i think what we learned, more than anything, during the ttun game is that mccarthy isn't the joke we've been making him out to be.
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i think what we learned, more than anything, during the ttun game is that mccarthy isn't the joke we've been making him out to be.

Could have fooled me. I watched the performance in person and some of the balls he tossed were beyond ugly. I’m talking complete ducks.

I think the lesson learned is don’t leave WRs 15-20 yards wide open, even in grade school. I don’t have a joke strong enough for the QB who doesn’t hit the absolute gifts JJ was given in that game.
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Could have fooled me. I watched the performance in person and some of the balls he tossed were beyond ugly. I’m talking complete ducks.

I think the lesson learned is don’t leave WRs 15-20 yards wide open, even in grade school. I don’t have a joke strong enough for the QB who doesn’t hit the absolute gifts JJ was given in that game.

It’s probably been said, but what they underestimated was McCarthy’s ability to avoid the sack on our blitz packages. They never intended for our DB’s to have to cover for 5 seconds…..and it happened consistently. McCarthy is not a great QB and his balls were ugly AF……his accuracy sucks on intermediate throws and he throws with no touch at all.

But he has good mobility and he hurt us with his legs. Period. And once out blitzes didn’t get home, we were burned on the backend with absolute layups for deep throws.
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It’s probably been said, but what they underestimated was McCarthy’s ability to avoid the sack on our blitz packages. They never intended for our DB’s to have to cover for 5 seconds…..and it happened consistently. McCarthy is not a great QB and his balls were ugly AF……his accuracy sucks on intermediate throws and he throws with no touch at all.

But he has good mobility and he hurt us with his legs. Period. And once out blitzes didn’t get home, we were burned on the backend with absolute layups for deep throws.
maybe his intermediate throws suck because he drops back so far, at least what it seemed like to me. and he's dropping back to buy himself time and space so he can have more room to use his legs.

if illinois or iowa couldn't get to him consistently, then i'm not sure why or how knowles thought that we would be able to.
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Could have fooled me. I watched the performance in person and some of the balls he tossed were beyond ugly. I’m talking complete ducks.

I think the lesson learned is don’t leave WRs 15-20 yards wide open, even in grade school. I don’t have a joke strong enough for the QB who doesn’t hit the absolute gifts JJ was given in that game.
i would have traded that kind of "ugly" for osu's kind of touch any day. it's all in how you use it. and on that day he torched us.
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i would have traded that kind of "ugly" for osu's kind of touch any day. it's all in how you use it. and on that day he torched us.

I would never take JJ over CJ. He has very little to do with why they’re undefeated right now. Actually, he could have cost them a few games… specifically against Illinois. If the secondary responded appropriately in The Game, some of those balls were easy INTs.

Kirk Barton went over the replay on the broken tackle by Brown on the outside for their first TD. JJ didn’t even make the correct decision on that play. He had a guy wide open because Tanner fell down and his guy was waving his arm calling for the ball.

It was just a bad game all around for the secondary, with guys either way out of position or not looking for the ball at all. Could have been any QB out there tossing it up that day and he would have been showered with the same riches.

Even with everything they gave him that day, he went 12-24 for 263. CJ was 31-48 for 349. Who got torched?
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The Buckeyes defense that’s who. Doesn’t really matter yards per QB. We gave up TDs they didn’t.

Fair enough, but that still had nothing to do with them having JJ instead of CJ. I’ve watched him play and refuse to give him the credit for their wins. Absolutely never going to happen and him trash talking with the way he throws the ball is hilarious. :lol:
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Fair enough, but that still had nothing to do with them having JJ instead of CJ. I’ve watched him play and refuse to give him the credit for their wins. Absolutely never going to happen and him trash talking with the way he throws the ball is hilarious. :lol:
He deserves to talk trash HE WON! To the victors go the spoils, and all that good stuff. When you win, you can run your mouth, who cares how he threw the ball, how he looks when he runs, spin passes, etc. Fact is, HE WON! And there's nothing an OSU player, staff member, or fan can say to take that away. You can say you don't like how he did it all you want, but there's a W next to his team's column, and not OSU's. Laugh all you want at him, but he played a great game to lead his team to a victory/
I hate scUM as much as the next guy, but if you want to shut guys up, then you beat them!
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He deserves to talk trash HE WON! To the victors go the spoils, and all that good stuff. When you win, you can run your mouth, who cares how he threw the ball, how he looks when he runs, spin passes, etc. Fact is, HE WON! And there's nothing an OSU player, staff member, or fan can say to take that away. You can say you don't like how he did it all you want, but there's a W next to his team's column, and not OSU's. Laugh all you want at him, but he played a great game to lead his team to a victory/
I hate scUM as much as the next guy, but if you want to shut guys up, then you beat them!

1. There’s a way to win with class. Ohio State has done it for the last two decades.

2. I wasn’t trying to take away his win, I was pointing out that his numbers pale in comparison to CJ and he isn’t a fraction of the QB, win or loss. He also throws horrible balls. He can talk trash all he wants, but he isn’t the reason for their success and it’s embarrassing. All facts.

3. I will laugh. Watching him attempt to throw the football is more often hilarious than not. :lol:
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1. There’s a way to win with class. Ohio State has done it for the last two decades.

2. I wasn’t trying to take away his win, I was pointing out that his numbers pale in comparison to CJ and he isn’t a fraction of the QB, win or loss. He also throws horrible balls. He can talk trash all he wants, but he isn’t the reason for their success and it’s embarrassing. All facts.

3. I will laugh. Watching him attempt to throw the football is more often hilarious than not. :lol:
While you believe this the world will see and history will record JJ 2 - CJ 0. Maybe CJ gets a chance to make it 2-1.
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1. There’s a way to win with class. Ohio State has done it for the last two decades.

2. I wasn’t trying to take away his win, I was pointing out that his numbers pale in comparison to CJ and he isn’t a fraction of the QB, win or loss. He also throws horrible balls. He can talk trash all he wants, but he isn’t the reason for their success and it’s embarrassing. All facts.

3. I will laugh. Watching him attempt to throw the football is more often hilarious than not. :lol:
1. If you think OSU players were "winning with class" than you don't pay attention to social media. Most of those players and the recruits that followed called The Game a joke for a while. And I distinctly remember Jeremy Ruckert a few years ago saying he doesn't consider it a rivalry. And this was echoed by a number of players who never saw a loss in The Game.
2. All of this were facts. And yet none of them mattered when he won. The biggest highlights of The Game this year are the long TDs from him, not his throwing motion or the duck balls.
All facts as well
3. And, I agree with you that his throws look Terrible. But in the end of the day he won, and he can talk all the smack he wants. If the retort is, his throwing motion sucks, well his retort will be: scoreboard.

I had this same energy last year after OSU lost too. There's little OSU fans can say when the loss was as bad as what it was. The only Redemption can be on field.
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I've seen things from the Defense this year that I haven't seen in quite a while. Both good, and bad. This tells me the scheme that Knowles has going on works it just takes a lot of mental fortitude to do your job every play every game. Eichenberg and Chambers have never looked better and there have been excellent moments from the Dline and safeties. The corners have not set the world on fire and the deep safeties covering has been suspect. Put these guys in attack mode and they kick ass. Make them think out their assignments and dont fall for fakes is a big problem. Could be they just lose focus and could be they just aren't good enough to play the way they have to. I'd give both of those scenarios about equal weight.
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1. If you think OSU players were "winning with class" than you don't pay attention to social media. Most of those players and the recruits that followed called The Game a joke for a while. And I distinctly remember Jeremy Ruckert a few years ago saying he doesn't consider it a rivalry. And this was echoed by a number of players who never saw a loss in The Game.
2. All of this were facts. And yet none of them mattered when he won. The biggest highlights of The Game this year are the long TDs from him, not his throwing motion or the duck balls.
All facts as well
3. And, I agree with you that his throws look Terrible. But in the end of the day he won, and he can talk all the smack he wants. If the retort is, his throwing motion sucks, well his retort will be: scoreboard.

I had this same energy last year after OSU lost too. There's little OSU fans can say when the loss was as bad as what it was. The only Redemption can be on field.

I don’t recall anywhere near the level of classlessness from players and coaches alike after all the wins over the years, but alright.

Either way, I hate him and his program and I hope they rot in hell. Santa can keep his fat sack of toys and just deliver heartbreak for them with the Buckeyes hoisting the National Championship trophy over their dead bodies.

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