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DB Christian Bryant (Official Thread)


Glenville's Christian Bryant stretches across the goal line against Solon. (Joshua Gunter/ The Plain Dealer)

Glenville beats Solon for DIvision I championship | Photos from The Plain Dealer - cleveland.com
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Glenville football standouts Latwan Anderson, Christian Bryant selected to play in U.S. Army All-American Bowl
Plain Dealer staff, November 25, 2009


Bryant - (Allison Carey / The Plain Dealer)

Cleveland, Ohio - Glenville football players Latwan Anderson and Christian Bryant have been selected to play in the 10th annual U.S. Army All-American Bowl.

The game, Jan. 9 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, features 90 elite players from across the country. It kicks off at 1 p.m. and will be televised live on NBC.

Representatives from the bowl will visit Glenville on Dec. 3 to make the formal announcement. Anderson, a cornerback/safety, and all-purpose standout Bryant are the last players named to the East roster and are the only locals selected.

Anderson and Bryant have led Glenville to its second state semifinal berth in school history, where the Tarblooders will face Massillon on Saturday night at the University of Akron.

Glenville football standouts Latwan Anderson, Christian Bryant selected to play in U.S. Army All-American Bowl - cleveland.com
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Tarblooders Top Tigers

Josh Weir
[email protected]
Updated: Saturday, November 28, 2009

. . .

A good return by Christian Bryant set up the Tarblooders at their own 49. On the next play Toney Foster Jr. busted an inside run to the left and was gone. He broke a Grunder tackle at the 15 on his way to making it 6-3 Glenville.

. . .

Undaunted, Glenville jetted down the field behind Jones before settling for a Bryant 28-yard field goal with three seconds left.

Tarblooders Top Tigers | FridayNightOhio.com
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Good luck to Christian and Latwan this weekend! Hopefully they can make history together and bring Glenville it's first state title! I really hope OSU can reel both these guys in for this class! Does anyone know besides Christian and Latwan, who is having an OV the weekend of December 12? GO BUCKS!!! ROSE BOWL BOUND!!!
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I still can't believe this could be their FIRST state title! With all of that talen that they seem to have year in and year out, I would've thought they'd have a huge trophy case at Glenville!
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southcampus;1609499; said:
It will be interesting to see guys like Bryant and Anderson in run support for most of this game. Disciplined football is what Glenville has been criticized about in the past, and Davidson will exploit that if that's the case.

Glenville, by far, has the better athletes. However, I played against davidson this year, and the way they execute their offense in something else. Davidson will try to control the ball and keep it out of Glenville's athletes hands, but with playmakers like Latwan and Christian, it will be tough.

Good luck to Christian and the 'Ville, but I'll be rootin' for Davidson to rep the OCC. :)
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southcampus;1609499; said:
It will be interesting to see guys like Bryant and Anderson in run support for most of this game. Disciplined football is what Glenville has been criticized about in the past, and Davidson will exploit that if that's the case.
Neither of them seemed to be mixing it up much in the run game vs. Massillon...
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SCBuck13;1609505; said:
Glenville, by far, has the better athletes. However, I played against davidson this year, and the way they execute their offense in something else. Davidson will try to control the ball and keep it out of Glenville's athletes hands, but with playmakers like Latwan and Christian, it will be tough.

Good luck to Christian and the 'Ville, but I'll be rootin' for Davidson to rep the OCC. :)


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