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DB Christian Bryant (Official Thread)

Honestly I am a little surprised to hear he is doing so well, though pleasantly. I love the versatility to play corner or safety, PT should be available, though competition with the '09 talented class will be stiff (Clarke, Barnett, Brown, and Wood).
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Scout $ - Tar Heel Trip Coming Up
By Allen Wallace
Posted Jan 7, 2010

Visiting the Heels on 1/15 & has a great relationship with their staff... Mainly because "They just tell me everything I want to hear"... Has narrowed his choices to OSU, Sparty, or UNC... He's impressed by the OSU campus, community, & coaches... Reports a 3.3 GPA and a 16 on the ACT (plans on re-taking)...
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Cleveland Glenville star Christian Bryant.

"Bryant may not be as big as some of the other corners in this game, but his cover skills are as good, if not better, than anyone here," said Scout.com East Regional Manager Bob Lichtenfels. "He plays much bigger than he is and plays a physical brand of ball. Bryant shows impressive closing speed and a very smooth and fluid back pedal. He made several big plays (during practice), most notably a diving interception of a deep pass. What is even more impressive about Bryant's showing (Tuesday) was the fact that he challenged the nation's No. 2-rated wide receiver, Kyle Prater, most of the day."

The Buckeye State standout had a strong visit to Michigan State back in October, but has since taken an equally impressive trip to Ohio State. Before he reaches his final decision, though, he plans to visit a few more campuses.

"I'm going to commit on January 25th, right after my last visit," Bryant told Scout.com. "I'm down to Ohio State, Michigan State, North Carolina, Virginia and Miami of Florida.

"Ohio State is just a place that I like the environment and the coaching staff is great. North Carolina (whom he'll visit in early January) has an incredible atmosphere and they're recruiting me really hard. Michigan State has another great coaching staff and they're recruiting me hard also. I don't know much about Virginia but I want to get to know them more in the next few weeks. Miami is another great school and it's between them and Virginia for the last visit. My head coach (Ted Ginn) tells me good things about Miami."

U-M, MSU targets on display at Army All American Bowl | detnews.com | The Detroit News
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Off Campus With ... Christian Bryant, Glenville football player
Joe Maxse / Plain Dealer Reporter, January 08, 2010


The lowdown: Bryant, a senior defensive back and punter, and Glenville teammate Latwan Anderson will play in Saturday's U.S. Army All-American game at the Alamodome in San Antonio. They are among 90 players from across the country selected to participate. The game will be televised live on NBC at 1 p.m.

What's been going on this week? "Everything has been good. There is a lot of talent here. You want to be in a position of getting better to get to that next level."

Do you know any of the other players? "I knew a couple from summer camps. But not many."

Was there an intimidation factor? "No, no. Not at all. I'm not worried about anything. I know I'm good. I got here just like the other guys did."

Have you been surprised? "Not really. The practices have been hard. We had some skills competition -- running, catching, throwing. Then we are going to scrimmage."

Will you do any punting? "No. Down here, there are some punters who are pretty good. But anything is possible. I'm just playing cornerback."

Will you announce your college choice during the game? "Not at this game. I'm going to do that Jan. 26."

What schools are you considering? "Ohio State, Michigan State, North Carolina, Virginia and Miami."

Off Campus With ... Christian Bryant, Glenville football player - cleveland.com
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Rivals (free)

January 8, 2010
Army All-Americans have fun with Facebook
Adam Gorney

For four-star cornerback Christian Bryant, though, it can be serious. The Cleveland (Ohio) Glenville standout said he's cognizant of everything that goes on his Facebook page - no risky pictures so no one gets the wrong idea.

Bryant said he has learned a lesson from other athletes' bad past experiences who have gotten burned by unwanted pictures in the media.

"You have to be (cautious) because I know there have been some players in the past that are getting caught with alcohol in pictures and girls in not-very-good pictures," Bryant said. "That's why I try to stay off stuff like that because it can get you in a lot of trouble in the long run.

"Fans all the time message me like, 'Go Spartans,' 'Go Bucks,' 'Go Tar Heels,' go everywhere. I really don't try to pay much attention to it. I know they mean the best. It's all in fun, right?"

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