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DB Christian Bryant (Official Thread)


Recruiting Rundown: Two Weeks to Signing Day
By Brandon Castel

With the way recruiting is covered, by necessity, it breeds rumors. All it takes is one message board post to find its way into the wrong hands and all of a sudden a kid has committed to three different schools without ever picking up the phone.

It?s just the nature of the business, but already two Ohio State targets have fallen victim to the rumor mill this winter. The first was five-star linebacker Jordan Hicks, who recently dispelled rumors that he had already committed to both Florida and Texas.

More recently, however, it was Christian Bryant?s turn to set the record straight. The cornerback out of Glenville was rumored to have committed to North Carolina on his recent visit to Chapel Hill. While the rumor turned out to be untrue, Bryant was so impressed with his visit and with coach Butch Davis that he called it a 50-50 split between OSU and UNC with a decision coming Jan. 26.

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wadc45;1644666; said:
By BK...says OSU and UNC are about 50/50 right now...not sure if he will take a visit this weekend.

Recruiting 101 logic applies here...

jazzman;1645577; said:
Agreed. If Bryant is 50-50 between tOSU and UNC after visiting UNC, I don't see UNC ever ticking over to 51 or above. We should be in the box seat here. :biggrin:

jazzman, wadc45 is typing up your certificate for passing Recruiting 101...
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wadc45;1646751; said:
Disagree...I think he really likes UNC and is seriously considering them, but too many positives for OSU in the end.

I think he likes UNC as well. Just think the only reason he says "I am 50/50" is to put a little hype around his announcement. I could be wrong, and it could be closer. But I think we both agree this won't end like Anderson...
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