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DB Christian Bryant (Official Thread)

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Rumors and Wires: Week of December 7, 2009
Posted by admin in Rumors and Wires on December 7th, 2009
December 8, 2009

Latwan Anderson and teammate Christian Bryant of Glenville H.S. (Cleveland) will make their way to Ohio St. for an official visit this weekend. Expect a serious squeeze on both prospects for a commitment while they are there. An announcement by one or both of these recruits would not be a total shock. Anderson is past his proposed date for a decision and with the season finally over, there may be the thought of getting recruiting out of the way.
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cjs100;1634410; said:
Scout $ - USAAB East Preview: Defensive Backs

By Bob Lichtenfels
Posted Jan 4, 2010

Ranked as the #7 CB nationally by Scout but could play several different positions in this game and at the next level... BL feels he's still underrated at that ranking and likes him on defense...

He is a Saftey first then CB IMHO. I've seen him play and he's a hitter. He will excell at either position. Reminds me somewhat of Whitner.
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1) Scout $ - USAAAB Monday Stock Report

By Staff
Posted Jan 5, 2010

Stock up due to being a playmaker and being nearly mistake free...

2) Scout $ - Four-Star DB Getting Close To Deciding

By Bill Greene
Posted Jan 4, 2010

Wow... Plugging for his junior teammates to be selected for next year... Thanks God, thanks the military for their service... Announcing Jan. 25th after his last visit... Still open and listing Ohio State, Sparty, N. Carolina, Miami-FL, & Virginia...
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1) Scout $ - USAAAB Day Two East Co-MVPs
By Bob Lichtenfels
Posted Jan 6, 2010

Plays bigger and more physical than his size, cover skills among the best among the invites, & has great closing spped... Covered Kyle Prater most of both practices - making a lot of plays including a diving INT... Will likely get a bump in his rating after the game...

2) Scout $ - USAAAB Tuesday Stock Report
By Staff
Posted Jan 6, 2010

Stock up and characterized as the best in man to man coverage on the East team.

3) Scout $ - USAAAB East Day Two Fab Five
By Bob Lichtenfels
Posted Jan 6, 2010

Bryant doesn't say much, just gets it done with his gritty style of play... He's under-rated, consistent, & the best cover man for the East.
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