knapplc;2107729; said:
Tomorrow is a daddy/daughter day. And, in fact, it's the birds-and-bees conversation day.
Wish me luck.
Daddy/daughter day went well, as usual. She's a good kid, and we have fun together. Shot some hoops, taught her how to play HORSE, crushed her like a bug - you know, the usual feel-good story about dad teaching his daughter to shoot baskets.
The Birds-and-Bees conversation was remarkably harder than I thought it would be. She's nine, and we've done our best to keep her insulated from the nastiness out there in the world. She doesn't watch any kind of show that would remotely be sexual or nasty or inappropriate, and we don't swear around her, etc. You are only a kid once, and while she is not
sheltered, we've made sure her childhood is secure. (Don't read too much into that - it's hard to describe a decade of parenting in a few sentences. She has a normal life)
So, anyway, after spending all that time not talking to our kid about grown-up stuff, suddenly our job was to break down that wall. I figured it would be like telling her about Santa Claus, but it was tremendously harder than that. I'm not squeamish about talking about sex, but even still, I found my pulse beating harder, my breathing just a smidge quicker.... I was as amazed at my reaction as I was at hers. She took it really well, asked a few questions, and got a decent idea about what's going on. We talked about sperm and egg, penis and vagina, but of course we didn't get into the recreational side of sex. There's time for that later. Like when she's 30. It was a good first talk - the first of what will be eventually be several.