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Thanks OSU, better luck next time.

Not here to brag.. From a Tiger fan, I just wanted to say thanks. While I didn't have the opportunity to make it to New Orleans to meet the Buckeye fans, so far everyone I have had contact with that was down there said the Ohio State fanbase was a classy, respectful, and travelled quite well.. I hope you all had a good time in New Orleans (aside from the game of course), and I hope you all got your fill of the food, festivities, and culture we are so proud of here. Best of luck in the future!
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Spazztic1;1059521; said:
Thank you for the Class LSU. You guys deserve the Crystal. I have to say it's refreshing to have a championship team, who's fanbase can represent thier school with the class and dignity that you have shown on this board and as a whole. Great season! Same goes for the Buckeye fan's here. Not bad for a rebuilding year and hopefully we can make it 3 appearances in a row. I'm extremely proud of this Buckeye team.
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I hope all of you Tiger sons-of-bitches burn in hell. :p

Congrats to LSU on the MNC and an outstanding quasi-undefeated season! Hope some of you folks stick around BP! :cheers:
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First - Good game OSU. You have a young team, they did keep fighting. Bad timing of penalties, and a blocked FG later, you lost the MO you had. But don't be down on them. They're young, with a good nucleus of guys around. As long as they got Wells, and get at least one more big time gamebreaker at receiver......wow.

Second - why did they stop handing the ball to Wells? He was averageing (minus the long TD) like 4 - 5 yards a carry....why abandon the run so soon? Tressell hit the panic button way too soon.

Third - If Bo doesn't leave here to go back, you guys win that game, IMHO. No offense, but the entire state of Nebraska was rooting for LSU last night, LOL. That win only helps OUR recruiting, and we need it after Beau Bridges got wacked here by the Doctor.

Fourth - Les Miles.....wow. I think he really hates tOSU, LOL (yes, I know he's a scUM alum). He got conservative in the 3rd, but in the late fourth, you could tell he wanted to kinda run it up on you guys. he throws a pass with less than 2 minutes left? LOL.

Lastly - Don't be down on your team. They got to the big dance two years in a row, and shot themselves in the foot this year. No matter what anyone says, it wasn't last year. Last year was just SEC domination. This year was....well.....SEC Domination (with a Defensive coordinator that came from tOSU and is the head coach for the Husker Power). We're sending the bill for renting our Head Coach to LSU, LOL.

Go Big Red! Go Bo!

p.s. - University of Nebraska has 3 crystal balls.......
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Roger that, I got that. Figured that's what it meant, LOL.

In any case - Your guys did play an okay game, just got away from the plan a bit too soon, cause whatever they were doing to Dorsey at first in the middle was working big time.
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Good game!

I have to say Buckeye fans did dominate the Quarter on Sunday night (had a car accident and couldn't make it out Saturday). Monday night was all us with still a good amount of Buckeyes, but I was pretty surprised with how many Ohio St. fans there were. Waaaaaay more than Oklahoma in '03 or technically, '04
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Congrats Tigers and Tiger fans on a well won National Championship. Your guys played hard and smart, and were very well coached. If most of the visitors from LSU are indicative of your whole fan base, you have a lot to be proud of on and off the field.

Good luck and I hope we get a rematch similar to what we got with Texas (with the same results :biggrin:)
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Thanks to all of the fans on this forum. Everyone has said how classy you guys are. We are very proud of our Tigers.

I know some guys think we were running up the score, but after your pick and score, we got nervous. The game wasn't really over until that TD. Your guys kept fighting and scored. What if we didn't have that touch and you get the onside kick? We put 14 on Bama in 1:13. Had to end it.

You guys are young. However, I hope you lose Laurenitis and he gets drafted by the Saints. He will be the best LB on that team. Anyway, congrats on a great season.

Beat the crap out of USCum next year and maybe we will see you guys in a couple of years. I don't expect us to be there next year. UGA, UF or Auburn will probably take the conference next year. We will have something to say about it, but doubt we'll be there.

Again thanks for the support of your team, the City of New Orleans and your hospitality on the board.
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