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Gatorubet;1061287; said:
That was an exiting game, lots of lead changes. I went down on the field after the game and shook hundreds of hands and told everyone that we were taking out Auburn for them the next week, and that I hoped to see them in the Championship game.

You should have made Doug Johnson an honorary Tiger:biggrin:

I stormed the field along with the rest of the Tiger fans in the stadium (although I had no part in the field goal posts being torn down). I framed the front page of the New Orleans Times Picayune showing a sea of Tiger fans cheering on the field after the game, along with my ticket stub and a bit of purple and gold grass from the field. That was the most exciting LSU game I've ever seen -- it was a slug fest right down to the very end.
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NFBuck;1060616; said:
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
The whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, we're from Ohio
We're from Ohio...O-H
We're from Ohio...I-O
O, we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
The whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, we're from Ohio

I like that chant so much that I kept singing it to my coworkers today, except that I soon created an LSU version:

We don't give a damn for the whole state of Arkansas
The whole state of Arkansas, the whole state of Arkansas
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Arkansas, we're from L-S-U!!!
O, we don't give a damn for the whole state of Arkansas
The whole state of Arkansas, the whole state of Arkansas
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Arkansas, we're from L-S-U!!!

Then, instead of Arkansas, I stared using "Florida," "Georgia," "Bama," and "Texas." I love it!!! The only problem is that unfortunately, "Mississippi" and "Tennessee" had too many syllables to sound right in the song :(

Do you Buckeye people ever substitute another state instead of Michigan when singing the chant? For example, sing the song using "Iowa" instead of Michigan, and it still sounds just as good. Do y'all ever do that when you are playing Iowa?
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I want to thank all the Buckeye fans here for the kind words always shown to me when I was on this board.

I am not surprised about all the nice things that are being said by Tiger fans concerning Buckeye fans. It is evident here how classy ya'll are.

I have stayed away from this board until now, I didn't want anyone to think that I was gloating about my team.

I wish ya'll the best of luck this year.
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JohnLSU;1061673; said:
Do you Buckeye people ever substitute another state instead of Michigan when singing the chant? For example, sing the song using "Iowa" instead of Michigan, and it still sounds just as good. Do y'all ever do that when you are playing Iowa?
Nope. That disdain is pretty much reserved for m*ch*g*n.:)
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Nutriaitch;1061866; said:
When I wish terrible tragedies upon someone, I don't really mean it it literally. Well except for Phat Phuck Phil choking on a twinkie. Or maybe the entire town of Auburn, Alabama being swallowed by a giant sinkhole of raw sewage.
A Buckeye favorite is hoping for a meteor strike when Michigan plays Notre Dame. :tongue2:
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