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OCBuckWife;1054805; said:
Your coach is an ass. No need to run it up at the end.

But we didn't run the score up in the end. We ran up the score in the 2nd quarter, when we scored 21 points. In the 3rd quarter, we had 1 TD and y'all had 1 TD. In the 4th quarter, we had 1 TD and y'all had 1 TD.

Running up the score means that you have your opponent absolutely beat down, and you still keep trying to score on them. We never had the Buckeyes absolutely beaten down. In that game last night, OSU had 353 total yards, while LSU only had 326. We took the lead in the 2nd quarter, and, by the 3rd quarter, we were up by 21 points. Before the 3rd quarter was over, the Buckeyes scored 7 and cut our lead to 14, which is where the game stood going into the 4th quarter. What was Coach Miles supposed to do? Quit trying to score just because we are up by 14 with a quarter of the game to play? That would be crazy. Had LSU not scored their TD in the fourth quarter, then OSU would have cut LSU's lead to 7 with their late 4th quarter TD. Had OSU recovered the ensuing onside kick, OSU would have had one more drive left to score another TD.
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You guys didn't run the score up, just playing the way any other team would have.

When you have your foot on the opponents throat, you have to apply the razor to the jugular.

Great win and I was most impressed and surprised by the LSU O-line and their protection of Flynn and hole-opening for Hester.

That kid is a warrior.

Reminds me of Ryan Brewer for the Gamecocks a few years back.

Great win and congrats on your National Title!
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Buckeye Chris;1059226; said:
Might as well get prepared for another full year of people bashing us.

I don't know about that. I do feel that OSU was unfairly disrespected this year, but that won't be the case next year.

This year, OSU only had three senior starters (OT, LB, FB). That's part of the reason OSU wasn't expected to have a chance at finishing the season at #1. Assuming everybody returns to OSU next year, I wouldn't be surprised to see them at preseason #1.

In addition, last year, #1 OSU (who SI's cover called "The best. Period.") laid that egg on the national stage vs. a one-loss Florida team. Fair or not, that resulted in a negative image of Ohio State this year. However, OSU came right back this year, finished the season at #1 in the AP, the Coaches, the Harris, and the BCS. That was pretty impressive. Then, against LSU in LSU's own backyard, OSU put up a good game (in fact, OSU had more total yards than LSU did). Because of their performance this year, OSU will enjoy a favorable reputation next year.

Finally, the whole Big Ten was disrespected this year. Last year, Ohio State was #1 and Michigan was #2 when they met for "The Game." After they played each other close, a lot of the talking heads were talking about an OSU vs Mich rematch for the NC. Then OSU got beat down by Florida in the BSC NC game and Michigan got beat down by USC in the Rose. In addition, during their first game of this year, #5 Michigan lost to 1-AA Appy State (making the cover of SI). Fair or not, these high profile losses by the two most prominent teams in the Big Ten resulted in a negative image of the Big Ten this year. However, this year, Michigan shocked a lot of people by beating Florida. In addition, Rich Rodriguez -- who built West Virginia into a media darling -- is taking over at Michigan. As for Ohio State, they made it to two BCS NC games in a row, and will be returning the vast majority of their starters next year. The Big Ten will enjoy a favorable reputation next year.
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JohnLSU;1060303; said:
I don't know about that. I do feel that OSU was unfairly disrespected this year, but that won't be the case next year.

This year, OSU only had three senior starters (OT, LB, FB). That's part of the reason OSU wasn't expected to have a chance at finishing the season at #1. Assuming everybody returns to OSU next year, I wouldn't be surprised to see them at preseason #1.

In addition, last year, #1 OSU (who SI's cover called "The best. Period.") laid that egg on the national stage vs. Florida. Fair or not, that resulted in a negative image of Ohio State this year. However, OSU came right back this year, finished the season at #1 in the AP, the Coaches, the Harris, and the BCS. That was pretty impressive. Then, against LSU in LSU's own backyard, OSU put up a good game (in fact, OSU had more total yards than LSU did). Because of their performance this year, OSU will enjoy a favorable reputation next year.

Finally, the whole Big Ten was disrespected this year. Last year, Ohio State was #1 and Michigan was #2 when they met for "The Game." After they played each other close, a lot of the talking heads were talking about an OSU vs Mich rematch for the NC. Then OSU got beat down by Florida in the BSC NC game and Michigan got beat down by USC in the Rose. Then, during the first game of this year, #5 Michigan lost to 1-AA Appy State (making the cover of SI). Fair or not, these high profile losses by the two most prominent teams in the Big Ten resulted in a negative image of the Big Ten this year. However, this year, Michigan shocked a lot of people by beating Florida. In addition, Rich Rodriguez -- who built West Virginia into a media darling -- is taking over at Michigan. As for Ohio State, they made it to two BCS NC games in a row, and will be returning the vast majority of their starters next year. The Big Ten will enjoy a favorable reputation next year.

You are describing a rational and well-informed fan's opinion of OSU's 2008 squad. The term "National Perception" encompasses the feelings and beliefs of the general public, the overwhelming majority of whom are not rational, the vast majority of whom are not well-informed, and some of whom (astonishingly enough) are not football fans. As such, the "National Perception" will be something wholly other than what you describe. Even if we beat USC, it will be dismissed as an unlikely upset. OSU fans need to discuss this and prepare for it now, so that we can behave rationally ourselves (i.e. ignore it) when it happens.
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Beanie;1060306; said:
maybe not the best. USC and others could still make a case for #1.

Stanford, South Carolina, and Pittsburgh might have something to say about that.

The big 10 will take a hit this year, but the only way to prove them wrong is to come right back and smack everyone around. It starts at USC :biggrin:. No one will bash y'all for the schedule next year at least.
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Beanie;1060306; said:
maybe not the best. USC and others could still make a case for #1.

Why you would come onto a thread congratulating LSU's program and thanking their fans for being classy, then question the validity of a championship they just won by beating US is completely beyond my comprehension.
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GeauxTigers99;1059639; said:
That was an AMAZING stiffarm by Beanie in your sig.....:lol:

I agree. That was one of the most amazing runs I've ever seen in my days of loving college football. And the guy is only a sophomore! It was cool how, during the game last night, FOX showed the old highlight clips of Archie Griffin, and pointed out that Beanie has rushed for more yards this season that Griffin ever did per season for OSU. Viewers across the nation would agree that Beanie is going to be an exciting player to watch in the future.

The Buckeyes made many other similarly impressive plays that impressed viewers across the nation. Good game.
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GeauxTigers;1060013; said:
I have to say Buckeye fans did dominate the Quarter on Sunday night (had a car accident and couldn't make it out Saturday). Monday night was all us with still a good amount of Buckeyes, but I was pretty surprised with how many Ohio St. fans there were. Waaaaaay more than Oklahoma in '03 or technically, '04

I was all over the Quarter all day Sunday, both day and night. LSU fans easily outnumbered OSU fans (at very least 66% to 33%). That would be insane to expect anything otherwise. The game was in New Orleans. But yes, OSU did "dominate" in the sense that they brought a hell of a lot of fans to New Orleans, but so did ND and Illinois for recent Sugar Bowls vs. LSU. And to be surprised at how many OSU, ND, and Illinois fans we had in New Orleans is crazy talk, especially when it comes to OSU. It's the largest university in the U.S. I mean just look how huge this Buckeye Planet site is compared to LSU sites.

Ohio State has over 425,000 living alumni (according to wikipedia).

Here is how other schools compare when it comes to number of living alumni:

350,000 -- Texas
300,000 -- Illinois
265,000 -- Penn State
264,437 -- Tennessee
258,595 -- Alabama
250,000 -- Florida
190,000 -- Georgia, Auburn, Florida State
150,000 -- LSU
112,000 -- Arkansas
85,000 -- Clemson

See The Collegiate Licensing Company : Institutions

As for Notre Dame, their fan base is legendary. How else could ND get a contract with NBC to televise every one of their home games?

Regardless, I do appreciate every single Buckeye who game down to visit New Orleans. That's the first thing I told every Buckeye that I met over these last several days. Thank y'all!!!!!!!
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JohnLSU;1060380; said:
I was all over the Quarter all day Sunday, both day and night. LSU fans easily outnumbered OSU fans.

Not sure what part of the Quarter you were in, but there was an ASSLOAD of scarlet and gray out there. LSU colors weren't seen in full force until a couple hours before kickoff, then of course we took over.
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Nutriaitch;1060383; said:
Not sure what part of the Quarter you were in, but there was an ASSLOAD of scarlet and gray out there. LSU colors weren't seen in full force until a couple hours before kickoff, then of course we took over.

What part of the Quarter where you in? On Sunday, both during the day and the night, I was up and down Bourbon, Royal, Esplanade, Decatur, Canal, and Rampart. In addition, I was all over the Frenchman Street area (Faubourg Marigny) and the CBD as well. From what I saw with my own eyes, it was at least 66% LSU, 33% OSU in the Quarter alone. And OSU just had fans respectably walking around. LSU had LSU-themed buses, LSU-themed limos, etc. driving the streets. My favorite was the LSU-themed Mardi Gras-style truck float full of drunk LSU fans dancing to party music blaring on public address speakers on their float.

On Monday night, I was just on Bourbon, and LSU outnumbered OSU 95% to 5%.

Where were you, just on Bourbon? Sure, on Sunday, there were a boat load of OSU fans on Bourbon, but Bourbon is not the whole Quarter. Locals tend to stay away from Bourbon.
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JohnLSU;1060400; said:
What part of the Quarter where you in? On Sunday, both during the day and the night, I was up and down Bourbon, Royal, Esplanade, Decatur, Canal, and Rampart. In addition, I was all over the Frenchman Street area (Faubourg Marigny) and the CBD as well. From what I saw with my own eyes, it was at least 66% LSU, 33% OSU in the Quarter alone. And OSU just had fans respectably walking around. LSU had LSU-themed buses, LSU-themed limos, etc. driving the streets. My favorite was the LSU-themed Mardi Gras-style truck float full of drunk LSU fans dancing to party music blaring on public address speakers on their float.

On Monday night, I was just on Bourbon, and LSU outnumbered OSU 95% to 5%.

Where were you, just on Bourbon? Sure, on Sunday, there were a boat load of OSU fans on Bourbon, but Bourbon is not the whole Quarter. Locals tend to stay away from Bourbon.

First off congratulations. Less (more importantly Bo Pelini and Gary Crowton) had an excellent game plan. At the time, I didn't care for the trick TD play in the 4th quarter, as in I thought it was excessive, but it is OSU's job to stop it. I know Tress wouldn't do it - but karma can be a bitch...just ask Urban Meyer how it felt in the crapital one bowl.

I was at the game & in the Quarter. Everywhere I went in the Quarter, OSU fans were clearly outnumbering LSU fans. Of course Monday night that wasn't the case postgame but I honestly felt the smart thing (as I am sure a lot of OSU fans did) was to head back to their hotel rather than deal with the cat-calling and obnoxiousness...I would say about 3/4s of the Tiger fans were acting with class.

The 1/4 who weren't were complete assholes and it is unfortunate b/c the few bad ones make you forget about the really nice ones.

I was in a section of the Superdome dominated by Tiger fans. The ones in front of us were outstanding and super nice. The ones behind us were OK except for one fat fuck who decided to chant "42-10" in an odd reference to last year's NC game and basically call out Tressel the entire game (as if he could hear his stupid ass). I turned to him and said "excuse me, but I believe the score was 41-14. If you are going to talk shit, at least have a clue what you are talking about".

The nice ones in front of us aided us in keeping our cool...

One final note to be proud of Buckeye fans: i was talking with a higher up with the Sugar Bowl Organization, and he said he hasn't seen a team travel like ours in 15 years of working for the Sugar Bowl. Now that is something to hang your hat on...

Again, congrats to LSU. A very deserving national champ.

USC - shut the fuck up - you lost to Stanford. UGA, you can STFU as well - don't lose to Tennessee by 21 points.


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