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JohnLSU;1060400; said:
What part of the Quarter where you in? On Sunday, both during the day and the night, I was up and down Bourbon, Royal, Esplanade, Decatur, Canal, and Rampart. In addition, I was all over the Frenchman Street area (Faubourg Marigny) and the CBD as well. From what I saw with my own eyes, it was at least 66% LSU, 33% OSU in the Quarter alone. And OSU just had fans respectably walking around. LSU had LSU-themed buses, LSU-themed limos, etc. driving the streets. My favorite was the LSU-themed Mardi Gras-style truck float full of drunk LSU fans dancing to party music blaring on public address speakers on their float.

On Monday night, I was just on Bourbon, and LSU outnumbered OSU 95% to 5%.

Where were you, just on Bourbon? Sure, on Sunday, there were a boat load of OSU fans on Bourbon, but Bourbon is not the whole Quarter. Locals tend to stay away from Bourbon.
On Sunday, I wasn't in NOLA at all, so we're apparently talking about different days. Monday, until an hour or two before kickoff, we were outnumbered on Bourbon St.
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OWUBuckeye51;1060407; said:
I was at the game & in the Quarter. Everywhere I went in the Quarter, OSU fans were clearly outnumbering LSU fans. Of course Monday night that wasn't the case postgame but I honestly felt the smart thing (as I am sure a lot of OSU fans did) was to head back to their hotel

That is an absolute, insulting slap in the face to Louisiana, New Orleans, and LSU to believe that OSU put more people on our own streets than LSU did during the weekend. Like I said above, just speaking of the French Quarter alone (which is the area bounded by Canal, Decatur, Rampart, and Esplanade), LSU easily outnumbered OSU from what I saw with my own eyes. Now, sure, you've got one of my fellow LSU fans implying that OSU had more fans in whatever part of the Quarter he was in BEFORE THE GAME ON MONDAY. I wasn't there before the game on Monday, so I have no idea if that is true or not. I, like pretty much everybody else within two hours drive of the Superdome, went to work on Monday. If it really is true that OSU outnumbered LSU during the day on Monday, that's only because most of us didn't take off work on Monday.

Second, lets say you are talking about the weekend. I was only there on Sunday, and I was all over the Quarter, and LSU dominated. To expect otherwise would be absolutely retarded. And to tell me otherwise, is calling me a liar to my face. Now, lets say that the parts of the Quarter you found yourself in during the weekend had more OSU fans that LSU fans. I believe that. Trust me, during the LSU vs. Florida game at LSU this year, the sizable part of LSU's very large campus that I spent my time on had at least %40 Florida fans. But to say that was the case for the entire campus of LSU that day would be retarded.

And although LSU dominated the Quarter all day Sunday, like I saw with my own eyes, you also need to realize that the Quarter is not the only area around the Superdome that is worth a crap. We also have the CBD, Warehouse District, Faubourg Marigny, and Uptown. LSU fans scattered around all of those places. LSU also has legions of fans that enjoy doing the RV thing, where they show up to the games in their RVs, park among other RVs, and have a huge party there. All of those RVs parked in the CBD around the Superdome in various places.
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This thread got slightly derailed...
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Nutriaitch;1060426; said:
On Sunday, I wasn't in NOLA at all, so we're apparently talking about different days. Monday, until an hour or two before kickoff, we were outnumbered on Bourbon St.

Yes we are talking about different days. I was all over the Quarter on Sunday day and night. On Monday, like most LSU fans, I went to work.

And I believe you that Bourbon had more OSU fans on Monday. Bourbon is our famous tourist street. Not surprising all the tourists met there and out-numbered the locals on that one street in the Quarter (the very street that locals tend to stay away from because the of very fact that it caters to the tourist crowd).
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jwinslow;1060440; said:
Me thinks you're taking attendance numbers a bit too personally, whatever the ratio.

How would you feel if I tried to claim that LSU ever stood a chance in hell at outnumbering OSU fans in Columbus or anywhere else in Ohio for an LSU vs. OSU game there. It would never happen. To even make such a claim is retarded.
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JohnLSU;1060452; said:
How would you feel if I tried to claim that LSU ever stood a chance in hell at outnumbering OSU fans in Columbus or anywhere else in Ohio for an LSU vs. OSU game there. It would never happen. To even make such a claim is retarded.

It was a bowl game, granted it was basically a home game for you guys, but the tickets went out to the students and public all over the US... it's not like we're talking a regular season game where your season ticket holders had a huge ratio of tickets. Not that I am saying anything about the ratio, just that there would be reasoning for any ratio.
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JohnLSU;1060445; said:
Yes we are talking about different days. I was all over the Quarter on Sunday day and night. On Monday, like most LSU fans, I went to work.

And I believe you that Bourbon had more OSU fans on Monday. Bourbon is our famous tourist street. Not surprising all the tourists met there and out-numbered the locals on that one street in the Quarter (the very street that locals tend to stay away from because the of very fact that it caters to the tourist crowd).

OK John, it's time to calm down. 1st I have never implied that OSU fans outnumbered LSU fans. In fact in another thread, I used the term about 50/50. 2nd, It has been estimated that OSU rought roughly 75,000 fans to Nola, which is quite a bit more than ND, Illinois, or OU brought with them. Give them credit for traveling as well as they did to our city. 3rd, after the game, those local who avoid Bourbon St, were pretty god damn thick ON BOURBON ST.
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JohnLSU;1060439; said:
That is a absolute, insulting slap in the face to Louisiana, New Orleans, and LSU to believe that OSU put more people on our own streets than LSU did during the weekend. Like I said above, just speaking of the French Quarter alone (which is the area bounded by Canal, Decatur, Rampart, and Esplanade), LSU easily outnumbered OSU from what I saw with my own eyes. Now, sure, you've got one of my fellow LSU fans implying that OSU had more fans in whatever part of the Quarter he was in BEFORE THE GAME ON MONDAY. I wasn't there before the game on Monday, so I have no idea if that is true or not. I, like pretty much everybody else within two hours drive of the Superdome, went to work on Monday. If it really is true that OSU outnumbered LSU during the day on Monday, that's only because most of us didn't take off work on Monday.

Second, lets say you are talking about the weekend. I was only there on Sunday, and I was all over the Quarter, and LSU dominated. To expect otherwise would be absolutely retarded. And to tell me otherwise, is calling me a liar to my face. Now, lets say that the parts of the Quarter you found yourself in during the weekend had more OSU fans that LSU fans. I believe that. Trust me, during the LSU vs. Florida game at LSU this year, the sizable part of LSU's very large campus that I spent my time on had at least %40 Florida fans. But to say that was the case for the entire campus of LSU that day would be retarded.

And although LSU dominated the Quarter all day Sunday, like I saw with my own eyes, you also need to realize that the Quarter is not the only area around the Superdome that is worth a crap. We also have the CBD, Warehouse District, Faubourg Marigny, and Uptown. LSU fans scattered around all of those places. LSU also has legions of fans that enjoy doing the RV thing, where they show up to the games in their RVs, park among other RVs, and have a huge party there. All of those RVs parked in the CBD around the Superdome in various places.

Bro, I think you are forgetting you won the game. Be happy that you did. All I am saying is that on Sunday night through Monday gametime, the Quarter was well represented by OSU and yes, outnumbered your Tigers. I am not talking about RV lots...I am talking about the Quarter.
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OWUBuckeye51;1060463; said:
Bro, I think you are forgetting you won the game. Be happy that you did. All I am saying is that on Sunday night through Monday gametime, the Quarter was well represented by OSU and yes, outnumbered your Tigers. I am not talking about RV lots...I am talking about the Quarter.

This is consistent with most reports up until 12:00 am Sunday morning. Honestly, the majority of Louisianians do not go into the quarter.
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Nutriaitch;1060457; said:
I have never implied that OSU fans outnumbered LSU fans. ... it has been estimated that OSU rought roughly 75,000 fans to Nola ... Give them credit for traveling as well as they did to our city. 3rd, after the game, those local who avoid Bourbon St, were pretty god damn thick ON BOURBON ST.

True that. Bourbon was the very first place every local went after we won, myself included, because we ALL knew that would be the only street in New Orleans that had any Buckeyes.

And as for "giving OSU credit for travelling as well as they did," scroll up and read what I wrote in one of my posts above. I showed that OSU has more living alumni than any other program that I know of (which is not surprising, being that they have been the largest university in the US for many, many years). Like I added on Tiger Forums, combine that with the fact that they have one of the greatest football programs in history, and it wouldn't be surprising if OSU has the #1 traveling fan base in the entire US (ND or Michigan would be the only teams I would think of that could possibly compete with them). But there is no doubt to me that OSU has a better traveling fan base than any SEC team.

In addition, like I wrote in one of my posts above, and like I personally told every Buckeye I met in person this weekend, I appreciate every single Buckeye who came to visit New Orleans, especially after all the negative press New Orleans and South Louisiana got from back-to-back hits by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

But still, to claim OSU fans outnumbered LSU fans, even in the Quarter alone, is retarded (I'm not saying you said that). But yes, I wouldn't be surprised if OSU fans dominated Bourbon Street before the game.
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OWUBuckeye51;1060463; said:
All I am saying is that on Sunday night through Monday gametime, the Quarter ... outnumbered your Tigers. ... I am [only] talking about the Quarter.

Honestly, on Sunday, I left the Quarter at approximately 7 pm. Before that, LSU had been dominating all day. I wasn't there after approximately 7 pm, so I can't say that OSU didn't outnumber the Tigers on Sunday night after 7pm. You have to remember, we had work to go to Monday morning. As for Monday, like I said above, I wasn't in the Quarter on Monday before the game, so I can't say what it was like. I was at work like most LSU fans.
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In my opinion OSU fans were at best about 40-60 percent outnumbered.
IDK though, game day on Bourbon Street I saw a lot of Yellow and Purple.
Dang penalties, and turnovers, hurt that we made so many mistakes, though a lot of that is a testimate to LSU.
Congrats, and btw let me be one to say I live in FL, and the LSU fans are awesome. The ones who talked to me were all kind and other then the chants(which went back and forth with the OSU/LSU ones) they were very genial. I mean even when I came into the airport to go back home today, the first thing this LSU fan tells me is, Your Buckeyes are one damn good football team, tough luck with those penalties, but good game man.
I mean honestly, not one Florida fan shook my hand last year, yet I told em i was from FL. And they were all jackasses,
Classy Fans and Team, Congrats LSU
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