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OSUBucksfan09;1060490; said:
Dang penalties, and turnovers, hurt that we made so many mistakes ... LSU fans are awesome. ... the chants(which went back and forth with the OSU/LSU ones) they were very genial. I mean even when I came into the airport to go back home today, the first thing this LSU fan tells me is, Your Buckeyes are one damn good football team, tough luck with those penalties, but good game man.
I mean honestly, not one Florida fan shook my hand last year, yet I told em i was from FL. And they were all jackasses,
Classy Fans and Team, Congrats LSU

Florida is well-known in the SEC for their white trash fans. I do have to admit that they were uncharacteristically well-behaved during the pregame tail-gate before the LSU vs Florida game at LSU this year. But that's just because we finally have a team that they are terrified of. Had they won, I'm sure they would have reverted to their white trash ways as soon as the game was over.

And yes, that was shocking how many crucial penalties were called against OSU last night. And yes, with all the Buckeyes I met in person, I was talking about how bad penalties hurt them and they were all like "that's nice to see that so many LSU fans agree with that." As I replied back to all of them, that is because this is the first time in years that LSU has had the penalty calls go in our favor in a big game.

As for the chants, while I was touring all around the Quarter on Sunday, I was walking down Decatur, LSU fans were dominating, but I came across a small pocket of OSU fans in front of Landry's. As I was walking by them, they broke out into a chant with that "the whole state of Michigan" chant... I stopped to listen to it, and they sang it twice. That was a really, really cool chant. Could any of you remind me what the full lyrics are? Unfortunately, it was the only time I heard that chant this weekend (there weren't too many large groups of Buckeyes that made the trip to New Orleans).

And thanks for saying LSU fans are awesome. It's true.

Finally, it is also true that OSU has "one damn good football team." That was a good game.
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JohnLSU;1060485; said:
Honestly, on Sunday, I left the Quarter at approximately 7 pm. Before that, LSU had been dominating all day. I wasn't there after approximately 7 pm, so I can't say that OSU didn't outnumber the Tigers on Sunday night after 7pm. You have to remember, we had work to go to Monday morning. As for Monday, like I said above, I wasn't in the Quarter on Monday before the game, so I can't say what it was like. I was at work like most LSU fans.
so....tell us how you really feel about the attendance on the streets.....:biggrin:
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JohnLSU;1060530; said:
Florida is well-known in the SEC for their white trash fans. I do have to admit that they were uncharacteristically well-behaved during the pregame tail-gate before the LSU vs Florida game at LSU this year. But that's just because we finally have a team that they are terrified of. Had they won, I'm sure they would have reverted to their white trash ways as soon as the game was over.

Well first of all, that is uncalled for to call out Florida like that. LSU and Florida fans haven't always seen eye to eye, but it's no reason to talk like that about them. They have many quality fans there...that just happen to like wearing jorts :biggrin:

And secondly, about the quarter: I don't doubt that the OSU fans outnumbered the LSU fans. OSU fans travel REALLY well. Heck I saw a whole bunch of OSU cars driving down through Bama and Miss. last weekend. Once OSU fans get to New Orleans, where do you think they will go? The only place most of them know is the Quarter so they probably all went there. For an LSU fan, going to the quarter is just another weekend trip.
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GeauxTigers99;1060531; said:
so....tell us how you really feel about the attendance on the streets.....:biggrin:

As anyone with a reasonable mind would understand from what I have explained in my posts above, and as anyone with reasonable mind would expect, the presence of LSU fans dominated OSU fans in every area of the State of Louisiana, including every area in the City of New Orleans (expect possibly THE tourist destination of Bourbon Street, but I doubt it) before early Sunday night, when most LSU fans went home because they had to wake up for work on Monday morning (combine that with that fact that it is hard for Louisiana people to be in downtown New Orleans for such a huge occasion and not drink).

After LSU fans went home early Sunday night because they had to wake up for work on Monday (and get away from the party of alcohol and booze), I wouldn't be surprised if OSU fans took over Bourbon Street (but I would still be surprised if they took over a single other street in the entire Quarter or the rest of New Orleans or Louisiana for that matter).

On Monday before the game, most LSU fans were at work, so I can't see how they could possibly be expect to compete with Buckeye fans, every single one of which was on vacation from work.

Does that answer your question?
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LSUTyga73;1060549; said:
Well first of all, that is uncalled for to call out Florida like that. LSU and Florida fans haven't always seen eye to eye, but it's no reason to talk like that about them. They have many quality fans there...that just happen to like wearing jorts :biggrin:

And secondly, about the [Q]uarter: I don't doubt that the OSU fans outnumbered the LSU fans. OSU fans travel REALLY well. Heck I saw a whole bunch of OSU cars driving down through Bama and Miss. last weekend. Once OSU fans get to New Orleans, where do you think they will go? The only place most of them know is the Quarter so they probably all went there. For an LSU fan, going to the quarter is just another weekend trip.

Were you in New Orleans at all this last week?

And as for "the only place that most tourists know," that is Bourbon Street, not the Quarter. Bourbon Street is not synonymous with the Quarter (Bourbon Street is only one street out of many, many cool streets to hang out on in the Quarter). Like I have admitted above, I wouldn't be surprised if OSU fans dominated Bourbon Street at one or more points over the last several days. But dominating Bourbon Street doesn't mean you dominated the Quarter. Trust me, I was all over the Quarter all day Sunday before approximately 7pm, and LSU dominated the Quarter the whole time I was walking all around it (and I didn't stop inside any place to hang out, I was walking the streets the whole time).

As for Florida fans, have you ever been to an LSU vs. Florida game? I'm not saying 100% of Florida fans are white trash. I'm saying that, from what I have seen from the Florida fans I've seen at LSU games and at bowl games in New Orleans, I've never seen another school with as many white trash fans. Can you name a single other school with more unclassy fans than Florida? I've dealt with many other fan bases, in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and on the road, and despite the hostilities, they were all a level above Florida.
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GeauxTigers99;1060554; said:
I was actually looking for more of a percentage breakdown. From what I hear, OSU dominated the Quarter.

Were you in the Quarter? I was all day Sunday until 7pm. Are you calling me a liar? OSU might have dominated tourist Bourbon Street at some point, but they weren't even close to dominating the Quarter. You don't know anything about New Orleans if you think that could even possibly be true. Where are you from? These people that you "hear" from, where are they from?
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JohnLSU;1060557; said:
I was all over the Quarter all day Sunday before approximately 7pm,walking the streets the whole time.

Your legs must have been really tired that night.:biggrin:

JohnLSU;1060557; said:
As for Florida fans, have you ever been to an LSU vs. Florida game? I'm not saying 100% of Florida fans are white trash. I'm saying that, from what I have seen from the Florida fans I've seen at LSU games and at bowl games in New Orleans, I've never seen another school with as many white trash fans. Can you name a single other school with more unclassy fans than Florida? I've dealt with many other fan bases, in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and on the road, and despite the hostilities, they were all a level above Florida.

I've been to many LSU vs Florida games. I have only missed 3 home games since '86. But there is no reason to call out UF fans unprovoked like that. And yes I can think of at least 2 fan bases worse of than them just in the SEC.
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JohnLSU;1060558; said:
Were you in the Quarter? I was all day Sunday until 7pm. Are you calling me a liar? OSU might have dominated tourist Bourbon Street at some point, but they weren't even close to dominating the Quarter. You don't know anything about New Orleans if you think that could even possibly be true. Where are you from? These people that you "hear" from, where are they from?
I love the Quarter. Have you ever just spent a little time down there?? It's an amazing part of the city.

As far as calling you a liar, I don't believe I did that anywhere in my post. I was just telling you what I heard.
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JohnLSU;1060558; said:
Were you in the Quarter?

Considering he said he "heard", my guess is that either we is blind, or wasn't there.

JohnLSU;1060558; said:
I was all day Sunday until 7pm.

Half the state of Ohio now knows this.

JohnLSU;1060558; said:
Are you calling me a liar?

No. He asked you to give him a percentage breakdown.

JohnLSU;1060558; said:
OSU might have dominated tourist Bourbon Street at some point, but they weren't even close to dominating the Quarter. You don't know anything about New Orleans if you think that could even possibly be true. Where are you from? These people that you "hear" from, where are they from?

I have no idea why you take the attendance on a few streets of New Orleans so seriously. The only comments that were made, is that OSU was VERY WELL represented in NOLA. During the day on Monday, in my walk from Bourbon to Poydras (don't ask street names, because I ain't from the city, and try to avoid it if I can), there were a lot of OSU fans walking around. That's it. No big deal. Nothing to get excited about. At least not enough to go on a 3 page rant derailing a thread on an OSU board.
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Nutriaitch;1060553; said:
Just curious John, were you able to take Monday off?:biggrin:

Most LSU fans could have taken Monday off, including myself, but what would be the point? We had all weekend to go downtown and party, why would we also take off work Monday to party during the day knowing that we would get off work with more than enough time to get ready for the game? For myself, and most LSU fans within driving distance of the Superdome, it would be impractical to waste a vacation day yesterday. If LSU had played OSU near OSU on a Monday, it would have been the same way for most OSU fans.

Regardless, I still believe it is absolutely retarded to believe OSU outnumbered us on our own streets in the Quarter (you do realize that Bourbon Street is not the only place people hang out in the Quarter, right?).
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Nutriaitch;1060577; said:
It was a joke John. I've been trying to get you to lighten up for 2 pages now!

Okay, fair enough. It's not cool when people freak out like I am doing. But, in my defense, I have to said this: Just the insinuation of anybody claiming that their fan base (even though they might very well be #1 fan base in the entire NCAA) could outnumber LSU fans on any street in the State of Louisiana, --besides possibly the tourist street of Bourbon-- for the most important game in LSU's entire history, really, really, really disturbs me. That's all. Sorry for getting so riled up about it.
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