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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

The Blue Jackets had a 3 goal lead in the 1st period tonight against Anaheim; but they didn't disappoint. They lost 5-3......:boogie:

Updated (tank-a-thon) stats:

Columbus: 28 pts, 45 games
Chicago: 30 pts, 43 games
Anaheim: 31 pts, 46 games
Arizona: 33 pts, 44 games
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Let’s see….

Sunday: OSU-Rutgers
Monday: CBJ-NYR
Tuesday: CBJ-NSH
Wednesday: OSU-Nebraska
Thursday: CBJ-ANA

0-5 this week. I just can’t take this shit anymore. I am a completely broken sports fan right now.
Feels like every January goes this way. Bucks off a tough playoff loss, basketball team hits their wall and then you get the Jackets. Rinse and repeat.

It’s really old, man. Think I’ll take a sanity break and watch a cool documentary.

And the women’s team.
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Losses are GOOD. I don't think they'll end up worse than CHI by the time April rolls around, but continuing to lose at least gives them a shot. After each loss, just go watch some Bedard highlights.

Rooting so hard for the Jackets to win the 1st pick....those bastards in Chicago lucked in to Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews last time they sucked, it'll be disgusting if they end up with Bedard too.
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Rooting so hard for the Jackets to win the 1st pick....those bastards in Chicago lucked in to Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews last time they sucked, it'll be disgusting if they end up with Bedard too.
Not to mention the whole Brad Aldrich deal. If they end up with the game’s next superstar right on the heels of that, that’s some bullshit.
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The Blue Jackets and Blackhawks won tonight; both the Ducks and Coyotes lost.

Updated (tank-a-thon) stats:

Columbus: 30 pts, 46 games
Anaheim: 31 pts, 47 games
Chicago: 32 pts, 44 games (has won 3 in a row now)
Arizona: 33 pts, 46 games
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They lead after 1?

Oh don't worry. They only have 15 shots at the end of the second period and are losing now. Looking pretty rough, too.

Nyquist out for the rest of the game with an injury. Sucks for Gus, also sucks that he's one of their expiring contracts to trade. Gaudreau now the only CBJ player to start every game this season according to the broadcast. Which, speaking of, I love Darren Pang.

Korpi had a phenomenal save.. save of the year candidate.

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