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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

Bedard watch:

Anaheim: 17 pts, 27 games
Columbus: 18 pts, 25 games
Chicago: 18 pts, 25 games
Arizona: 18 pts, 24 games

Anaheim is awful, they're in the pole position.
CBJ's defense/goaltending is the worst in the league by a lot, so I think they have a legit shot.
Chicago is already brutally bad and might get even worse come the trade deadline because good chance they move Kane & Toews.
Arizona is also terrible and might have the worst roster of all of them.

Gonna be fun to watch them try to out-suck each other. Lotta high-end talent in this draft, so all 4 should end up with a stud, but opinion is Bedard brings an immediate McDavid/Matthews kind of impact.
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Bedard watch:

Chicago: 18 pts, 30 games
Anaheim: 21 pts, 33 games
Columbus: 22 pts, 32 games
Arizona: 25 pts, 30 games

Ducks and Blackhawks play tonight. Blackhawks are going to be hard to out suck. They seem to have embraced the tank.
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The Hawks are miserably bad. I made the mistake of going to watch them play the Rangers on Sunday. Just dreadful.

But I really think the CBJ might be worse.
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