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Columbus Blue Jackets (Official Thread)

Update Bedard watch:
Chicago: 18 pts, 30 games
Anaheim: 21 pts, 33 games
Columbus: 22 pts, 32 games
Arizona: 25 pts, 30 games
Ducks and Blackhawks play tonight. Blackhawks are going to be hard to out suck. They seem to have embraced the tank.

Blackhawks are going to be hard to out suck

Hey, they are doing it:

Columbus: 26 pts, 41 games
Chicago: 26 pts, 40 games
Anaheim: 28 pts, 42 games
Arizona: 31 pts, 41 games

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Hey, they are doing it:

Columbus: 26 pts, 41 games
Chicago: 26 pts, 40 games
Anaheim: 28 pts, 42 games
Arizona: 31 pts, 41 games


Chicago: 26 pts, 11-26-4, 41 games
Columbus: 28 pts, 13-28-2, 43 games
Anaheim: 29 pts, 12-27-5, 44 games

So, CBJ are 2 pts behind Chicago for the worst record with 2 games in hand. This could come down to the wire, though Chicago could theoretically get even worse if they deal Kane and Toews come deadline time.
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I was going to point out that the CBJ have played 7 more games at home than on the road this season and they are fucking dreadful on the road (3-14-1), but then I noticed that the Hawks have played 9(!!) more at home than on the road so far and they are almost as bad on the road as the CBJ (3-11-2). They are going to be really, really hard to out-tank. Not like it matters — no chance the CBJ wins the lottery regardless.

Also, fire Brad Larsen into the sun, please.
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I was going to point out that the CBJ have played 7 more games at home than on the road this season and they are fucking dreadful on the road (3-14-1), but then I noticed that the Hawks have played 9(!!) more at home than on the road so far and they are almost as bad on the road as the CBJ (3-11-2). They are going to be really, really hard to out-tank. Not like it matters — no chance the CBJ wins the lottery regardless.

Also, fire Brad Larsen into the sun, please.
After the season, though. Don't need that new coach bump tallying needless wins.
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You're in luck. CBJ at the Preds tonight and the Preds are horrible at home against teams with a losing record.


And the Blackhawks won.....:boogie:

Columbus: 28 pts, 13-29-2, 44 games
Chicago: 28 pts, 12-26-4, 42 games
Anaheim: 29 pts, 12-28-5, 45 games
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Bedard is the prize, but this is a REALLY good draft, so while you want the generational talent, even if they fuck this up and don't finish with the worst record or the #1 pick, they're getting a really, really good player picking in the top-3.
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