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Clifford suspended (Washington OK to play) In Championship

buckiprof;1034629; said:
BTW, I think Troy Smith may back me up on this one.
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I'm pulling for Gene because I know he's a great talent and countless people that have been in contact with him personally have credited his character, but he has to learn that 1 (weed) or 2 (rules infraction) incidents can burn him in the court of public opinion or, much more importantly, cause him to lose the trust of his coaches and teammates. Gene doesn't owe us anything, and he owes tOSU only slightly more for his scholarship (which they can take away), but teammates and coaches expect from you as much as they give. We love our Buckeyes because they give each other everything on and off the field, and that is one of the (many) reasons for their epic successes.

Missing the game is extremely tough on a kid, and hurts his team. Hopefully that will be enough to let him know that losing your teammates and coaches is like losing your family, and its nearly impossible to recover your family once lost.
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JohnLSU;1034640; said:
The Associated Press is now reporting that after Ohio State released the statement stating Eugene Clifford would be suspended, Shelly Poe (spokeswoman for the OSU Athletic department) said:

"This is it. We're not expecting anything more than what you have right now."

Link: OSU player suspended from championship game for rule violation


Shelly Poe​

That is awsome, i did not know CarrotTop worked for OSU...
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sluTiger;1034660; said:
That is awsome, i did not know CarrotTop worked for OSU...
Apparently you have decided to shorten the fuse ...

xcrunner;1034623; said:
Hopefully Tressel didn't let Washington slide because he's a better player.
This last comment just cannot be ignored. When has Jim Tressel "let anyone slide" because he is a "better player?" This is so far out of his character that even suggesting the possibility deserves big slam.:teeth:
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sluTiger;1034660; said:
That is awsome, i did not know CarrotTop worked for OSU...

Come on, that's not nice. We are guests here. Shelly Poe is actually a very respected spokesperson in the world of college athletics, that's why Ohio State hired her away from West Virginia. I feel bad for the Eugene Clifford kid, it's never good to have someone suspended. That would crush me if I were in his shoes. It's also good to hear that Washington will be playing in the NC. He's a great player.

Pics of #20 Donald Washington:





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I cant even imagine how tough it is going to be for Clifford to be sitting at home, wherever he is, watching his teammates sacrifice their bodies for 60 minutes to win a national championship game.

Watching them celebrate on the field if they do win it is going to be even tougher.

Knowing that he would be there celebrating with them if not for a stupid decision is going to be agonizing.

Thats the kind of experience that can change his life. Lets hope it does, because the kid is an incredible athlete who could be the next in the long line of shutdown corners at tOSU.
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MaxBuck;1034663; said:
Apparently you have decided to shorten the fuse ...

This last comment just cannot be ignored. When has Jim Tressel "let anyone slide" because he is a "better player?" This is so far out of his character that even suggesting the possibility deserves big slam.:teeth:
Good point.
Hey, even the best of us can have doubt for a second...
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Well the shame and sadness of sitting home while your teamates are away, sure did Troy a world of good. From a very unqualified observer, their (Troy and Gene) situations look similar, history of a few stupid, selfish acts maybe caused by their sense of invincibility because of their prodigous abilities. Gene will miss an even bigger opportunity then Troy did and Troy obviously learned from it to go on to be a Buckeye legend and great citizen (at least to this point in his young life) hopefully Gene will do the same and dedicate himself to being a great person, teammate and Buckeye.
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So, to sum this thread up...Clifford is out, Washington is not- apparently this whole thing had something to do with a shoe dropping, trust the coaches, don't speculate (except for the shoe thing), tOSU employs carrot top, and the media is full of morons. Then some blah blah blah.

Wish I had just read the title and moved on.

For those who were having a hissy fit because Jamario O'Neal may be looking at PT in the title game, WTF? He's a good player. That he didn't come in and play like Mike Doss his first season is hardly a shocker, but it's not like the guy is Morgan Trent. I expect JamO to make at least one significant play on special teams in the title game.
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