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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

The Cavs look great recently. This next stretch is going to be instrumental in their eventual playoff seeding. You want to be the 2 seed (I think the Hawks have the 1 seed locked up) because you'll draw an under .500 team in the first round, which will likely be Miami, Charlotte, Brooklyn, Detroit, Indiana, or Boston. If they wind up with the 3, 4, or 5 seed they will face Milwaukee, Washington, or Chicago. I think the Bulls are the only Eastern Conference team that could beat the Cavs at this point, so I'm not too worried, but the less energy you exert in the early playoff rounds, the better.
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The Cavs look great recently. This next stretch is going to be instrumental in their eventual playoff seeding. You want to be the 2 seed (I think the Hawks have the 1 seed locked up) because you'll draw an under .500 team in the first round, which will likely be Miami, Charlotte, Brooklyn, Detroit, Indiana, or Boston. If they wind up with the 3, 4, or 5 seed they will face Milwaukee, Washington, or Chicago. I think the Bulls are the only Eastern Conference team that could beat the Cavs at this point, so I'm not too worried, but the less energy you exert in the early playoff rounds, the better.

The bucks, with their ridiculous moves at the trade deadline, have given up any facade of being a tough 1st round matchup. Just stay above the 4 line and Cleveland will be fine. We'll see if the bulls have their inevitable 2nd half slow down as thibs grinds his guys down.
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Kevin Love was auditioning for White Men Can't Jump II
pretty sure he won the part

6'10" + 36" arms + 10" hands - 9" head (to eliminate double counting)
means he needed about a 1 inch vertical
and got stuffed by the rim

the bench burst out laughing
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Kevin Love was auditioning for White Men Can't Jump II
pretty sure he won the part

6'10" + 36" arms + 10" hands - 9" head (to eliminate double counting)
means he needed about a 1 inch vertical
and got stuffed by the rim

the bench burst out laughing

He did try to 2 hand it which adds to the inch and you need any extra 6 inches to get the ball over the rim. I'm guessing something more like 8-12 inches to throw it down with 2 hands. Seemed to misjudge how much he needed to jump. I'm guessing he throws it down 9 times out of 10, but nobody ever said he was a great athlete.

Love might not be living up to what we thought he would do when they made the trade, but he affects the game just by being on the floor. Opponents must account for him in a way that doesn't happen when TT and Mozzy are in the game together. That opens up the lane for Lebron and Kyrie and gets open looks for everyone else on the outside. If anyone ever decided to leave Love to double someone else he would end up going off for 30.

When the playoffs get here I wouldn't be surprised to see Lebron play the 4 when Love is on the bench against anyone but the Bulls since it would allow them bring in another shooter to space the floor.

With Bosh going out the top 3 spots are safe (unless there is a matchup with a healthy Pacers team), but I'd like to find a way to avoid the Bulls until the conference finals. Worst case scenario Pacers, Bulls, Hawks just to get out of the East.
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Love made a dozen plays last night that probably didn't hit the stat sheet.. tipped out 3 balls that he couldn't completely grab in the paint scrum.. overall had a really nice game

I'm one that really likes having Love on this roster

but when you get a chance to bust on your teammates like this.. the team has to go for it.. builds comraderie
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Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 23m23 minutes ago
Yahoo Sports: Kendrick Perkins reaches buyout agreement, signing with Cleveland Cavaliers. http://yhoo.it/1zVRCjo

New sign being installed in the paint at the Q
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I'm sure LBJ, Irving, Love and JR will be more than happy handling the offense
and that same group will be very happy to have him in the middle for defense

and Hibbert will think twice before pulling that shit he did with the cheap shot on LBJ
we can put Perkins in there and say.. if you get thrown out.. that's OK.. we got it
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This will be a good pickup for the games when Mozzy gets in foul trouble. Think back to Chicago before the break when Love was out and Mozzy was in foul trouble. Thompson and Lebron spent way too much time at the 4 and 5 against the Bulls abundance of bigs. Perkins gives them one more big body in the lane to deter driving. If he can give them 2008 Perkins for 5-10 minutes a game that will be more than enough.

Glad to see that he turned down the two coaches that he has a relationship with to go to the team that had the biggest need for what he brings and probably the best shot at a title.
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