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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Current NBA players are such babies. If you sent any of these teams back in time 20 years they'd get rolled by the physical play.
Then again, if you drove to the hoop back in the day, chances were you were getting blocked and not getting these bullshit calls I've been seeing a lot lately.

Derrick Rose is becoming the new Dwyane Wade. He seems to get every call when he drives to the hoop.
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Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 2h2 hours ago
Source: Miami sends Danny Granger, Norris Cole, Shawne Williams, Jordan Hamilton and two first-round picks to the Suns for Dragic brothers.

I find this intriguing... cuz I see some cuts coming in Phoenix... subtracting 2 but adding 4 folks doesn't seem to fit.. thus
depending on what happens with Ray Allen.. I suspect LBJ likes Cole and Granger... altho they very well may be the ones the Suns want to keep

Tweets about Cavs interest in Kendrick Perkins.. is a move I like... that would bring a higher level of nastiness to the paint
If you had Mozgov and Perkins rotating, the paint would not be a friendly place
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Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 2h2 hours ago
Source: Miami sends Danny Granger, Norris Cole, Shawne Williams, Jordan Hamilton and two first-round picks to the Suns for Dragic brothers.

I find this intriguing... cuz I see some cuts coming in Phoenix... subtracting 2 but adding 4 folks doesn't seem to fit.. thus
depending on what happens with Ray Allen.. I suspect LBJ likes Cole and Granger... altho they very well may be the ones the Suns want to keep

Tweets about Cavs interest in Kendrick Perkins.. is a move I like... that would bring a higher level of nastiness to the paint
If you had Mozgov and Perkins rotating, the paint would not be a friendly place

Mozgov and Perkins is the ultimate goon squad.
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So I take it no moves then by CLE

Yeah, Cavs really had no trade assets to move. BUT, they will be looking at all the contracts that will be bought out as result of all the trades that happened yesterday. Perkins being the big example.

I found it interesting that Chicago is trying to get Perkins. 100% that move is to keep him from going to Cleveland.
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Yeah, Cavs really had no trade assets to move. BUT, they will be looking at all the contracts that will be bought out as result of all the trades that happened yesterday. Perkins being the big example.

I found it interesting that Chicago is trying to get Perkins. 100% that move is to keep him from going to Cleveland.

That's the good thing about being a championship contender with a couple holes. Players that fit those holes are at least going to look at you. Perkins isn't getting paid regardless of where he signs so I'm guessing he'll go to the team with the best situation. My guess would be Cavs or Clippers. If he actually wants to step on the court it would be a mistake to go to the Bulls. I was hoping Cole would get cut since I think he would be a step up from the PG we have at the end of the bench.
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Guess I'm not sure about any of these deadlines... seems that despite deadlines these teams trade whenever they want.. always has a loophole somehow.. baseball too

PS I read that Chicago Coach and Perkins were together for like 8 of his 12 years
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Again, starting to watch the Cavs a little more now.

So, JR Smith is making a ton of championship-level smart plays and I have no idea what is going on anymore. Couple 3's, couple steals, couple assists, couple fouls to save layups. And now a box-out.

*lights box of old JR Smith jokes on fire*
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