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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Trading Wiggins for one season of a bum like Love could go down as one of the biggest gaffes in Cleveland sports history. And as most on this board know, that's saying a hell of a lot.
All Love can do is score. That's all he contributes. If he's not the primary option, there are any number of other PFs out there that have just as much value as him. He's not the kind of player you win titles with, at all. I hated the idea of giving Wiggins up for him. I was willing to give it a shot in the hope that maybe he would play SOME defense and contribute in other ways. It's clear at this point he's nothing more than a tall volume scorer.

And, even though it means essentially giving up Wiggins for a 1 year rental of this stiff, I hope he walks after this season. He is NOT a max contract player. He's nothing near it. Use that money to build some depth and get a big that plays defense. Epically dumb trade, but classic Cleveland. And yes, I see him going off right now. But he hasn't done this nearly enough to justify that trade.
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All Love can do is score. That's all he contributes. If he's not the primary option, there are any number of other PFs out there that have just as much value as him. He's not the kind of player you win titles with, at all. I hated the idea of giving Wiggins up for him. I was willing to give it a shot in the hope that maybe he would play SOME defense and contribute in other ways. It's clear at this point he's nothing more than a tall volume scorer.

And, even though it means essentially giving up Wiggins for a 1 year rental of this stiff, I hope he walks after this season. He is NOT a max contract player. He's nothing near it. Use that money to build some depth and get a big that plays defense. Epically dumb trade, but classic Cleveland. And yes, I see him going off right now. But he hasn't done this nearly enough to justify that trade.

Sign and trade could be a better option? He's done enough that bottom feeders like the place he came from should still be interested if you can sell them that he doesn't get the ball enough with Lebron and Kyrie.
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Sign and trade could be a better option? He's done enough that bottom feeders like the place he came from should still be interested if you can sell them that he doesn't get the ball enough with Lebron and Kyrie.
I'm not all that knowledgeable about NBA cap gymnastics, so I don't know how that would work. But there's been no indication that they'd even consider that. As it stands now, he seems to be indicating he's here long term. Of course, we know how good the word of a professional athlete is. But, the bottom line is they're playing at a high level now, even without consistent contributions from Love. They seem to be developing some chemistry finally, so probably not a good idea to disrupt that at this point. I'm just lamenting the potential long-term impacts.
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LOL... ICYMI... Lebron called Love out indirectly in a tweet... then came out and said the tweet was about him
LeBron James @KingJames
Stop trying to find a way to FIT-OUT and just FIT-IN. Be apart of something special! Just my thoughts

Brandon Castel @BCastOZone
Interesting. RT @basketballtalk LeBron James admits “fit-in” tweet aimed at Kevin Love, wants him to buy into team dlvr.it/8SsSyB

Wonder if GM Lebron is regretting forcing the trade.
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Sorry, it is still too early to condemn the Wiggins for Love trade. Love serves a HUGE purpose in this offense even when he is not involved. He gives so much space for Kyrie and LeBron to work in the paint it is sick. Does Love's defense suck? Yep and he is not averaging 25+ points anymore, but everyone KNEW those numbers were going down to the 17-19 range. He still rebounds and he serves his purpose.

Maybe in the end we overpaid for a stretch 4 with no defense. But Wiggins still wouldn't fit this offense either. Wiggins would have needed to hit outside jumpers to fit in, and that is NOT his game still. Yes he would have been perfect defensively, but we now have Shumpurt and JR Smith filling that role and doing a good job of it.

Love is still learning, heck, the coach and his teammates are still learning how to play with him too. Now that Kyrie and LeBron have figured it out (ie those 2 playing together), I have a feeling over the next few weeks it will figure out the last cog, how to use Love better.
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So Lebalding finally does something 'quasi-leadershipish' and now he backs away from it.

Must be nice to live life without any convictions or beliefs.

Well, I'd back away from it too (which he later admitted that it was connected to a previous tweet by Love) if the fit-out guy puts up 32, then fits-in and rout someone. Seems at least "leadershipish" (not even quasi) how Lebron's been acting lately. Just need to get Love in a flow, whatever flow that is probably won't make NF like his game any better... (I'm not a huge fan either) but, he does present some problems for the opposition when he's doing what he does.

3 weeks ago we were all gonna shitcan David Blatt... maybe Love just needs to go bowling one extra time.
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Well, I'd back away from it too (which he later admitted that it was connected to a previous tweet by Love) if the fit-out guy puts up 32, then fits-in and rout someone. Seems at least "leadershipish" (not even quasi) how Lebron's been acting lately. Just need to get Love in a flow, whatever flow that is probably won't make NF like his game any better... (I'm not a huge fan either) but, he does present some problems for the opposition when he's doing what he does.

3 weeks ago we were all gonna [Mark May]can David Blatt... maybe Love just needs to go bowling one extra time.
And this is the rub. If he could string a few good games together, I'd certainly find him more tolerable. I'm just not a big fan of "stretch fours." @Piney does bring up a good point about him spacing things out for LeBald and Kyrie, that's one of those things that doesn't show up in the box score. But, I am really tiring of seeing him put up these single-digit scoring games, while logging an awful shooting % and contributing nothing on defense. I guess my biggest beef was all of the "top-10 player" talk, as I never really saw it. I just saw a tall, glorified volume scorer on a terrible team that, to his credit, rebounds well.

However, just keep winning and I'll gripe about him less. I still don't buy his "here for the long haul" talk. He just strikes me as the kind of guy that would rather average 25/12 on a terrible team than 17/10 on a championship contender. I think LeBald kinda gets that feeling too. Hence the twat poke this week. Guess we'll see this summer. I do feel that if he does bail, giving up Wiggins (who is already playing pretty well) for a one year rental is gonna be a hard gaffe to live down.
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I think the tweet from Lebron was definitely aimed at Love. Cavs were on the verge of tying a franchise record and Love goes out and lays an egg.
Of course Lebron was pissed, he's human, and he called out Love on twitter. Emotions were high after a bad loss. It happens.
Clearly Lebron didn't want to alienate Love, and make a bigger media circus of it, so he denies it all. Probably for the best.

I completely agree with NFBuck and Piney. It just annoys me that Love cant step up his defense the way Kyrie has.
I have no idea what he wants to do, I just get the vibe that he wants to go back to the west coast.

At the end of the day, I think its clear what his weaknesses are, the teams needs to keep getting him looks and telling him to keep taking shots.
It seems that when he consistently shoots he gets his confidence and hits a higher percentage. When he's not taking shots he locks up.
He is still a better fit for this team than Wiggins, and if Love plays with effort in the Playoffs...This team should get to the Finals.
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