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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

This almost seems like it was a reaction to the last loss to Chicago where Mozgov got in foul trouble and Cleveland had no answer when Chicago just kept hammering away with Gasol, Noah and Gibson.
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I agree. Perkins is a really nice addition. Things will get physical in the playoffs especially with the Bulls, and Perkins will be good for the grind.
Mozzy will undoubtedly get into foul trouble at some point in each series, and now we wont be forced to revert to small ball.
Lebron really isn't big enough to defend PF's and Thompson/Love really arnt big enough to defend C's.
So if Mozzy goes out, now we wont have to rotate up and be undersized...(like putting Thompson on Noah/Nene/Horford)

I would grade all these in-season acquisition's: A+

Perkins was making almost 8M a year, wont the Cavs have to pay him the vet min..?
Also, does this mean Ray Allen isn't coming? Roster is at 15 now.
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Very disappointed that you fellas disregard Brendan Haywood
after all Haywood is very good at.... at.. something... it just escapes me right now

Maybe he'll develop a hangnail... and have to go on IR for the rest of the season
when we can use that $10M contract to actually obtain someone worth more than a ball rack
BTW someone needs to be fired for ever offering Haywood a $10M contract year
even if they knew he would never collect... they still used ink
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This almost seems like it was a reaction to the last loss to Chicago where Mozgov got in foul trouble and Cleveland had no answer when Chicago just kept hammering away with Gasol, Noah and Gibson.

Seems like a reasonable reaction, how it actually plays out remains to be seen, but they just got another little bit more physical.

I agree. Perkins is a really nice addition. Things will get physical in the playoffs especially with the Bulls, and Perkins will be good for the grind.
Mozzy will undoubtedly get into foul trouble at some point in each series, and now we wont be forced to revert to small ball.
Lebron really isn't big enough to defend PF's and Thompson/Love really arnt big enough to defend C's.
So if Mozzy goes out, now we wont have to rotate up and be undersized...(like putting Thompson on Noah/Nene/Horford)

I would grade all these in-season acquisition's: A+

Perkins was making almost 8M a year, wont the Cavs have to pay him the vet min..?
Also, does this mean Ray Allen isn't coming? Roster is at 15 now.

I'm thinking it was Mark Cuban, I doubt he cares.
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Very disappointed that you fellas disregard Brendan Haywood
after all Haywood is very good at.... at.. something... it just escapes me right now

Maybe he'll develop a hangnail... and have to go on IR for the rest of the season
when we can use that $10M contract to actually obtain someone worth more than a ball rack
BTW someone needs to be fired for ever offering Haywood a $10M contract year
even if they knew he would never collect... they still used ink

technically, the cavs are only paying him $2 million this year.
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It was the Mavs who gave Haywood that contract, and they are the ones who have to pay the overage of his contract above what he's being paid by the Cavs. Haywood sticks around to collect on his big contract and NBA teams keep him around for the huge trade exception that he provides.

The Cavs needed and were looking for another big before the Bulls game, but that game made it just that much more obvious how needed it was.
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Very disappointed that you fellas disregard Brendan Haywood
after all Haywood is very good at.... at.. something... it just escapes me right now

Maybe he'll develop a hangnail... and have to go on IR for the rest of the season
when we can use that $10M contract to actually obtain someone worth more than a ball rack
BTW someone needs to be fired for ever offering Haywood a $10M contract year
even if they knew he would never collect... they still used ink

He's good at cashing giant paychecks.
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Just watched the Cavs absolutely steal Detroit's souls.

Dominant 2nd half in a playoff atmosphere game. Detroit is tough, refs were tough, Van Gundy is a good coach...Cavs just gutted this performance out. That was actually fun to watch. Probably walk out with a double-digit win.

Felt like stealing a road playoff game- bench guys were into it.
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Just watched the Cavs absolutely steal Detroit's souls.

Dominant 2nd half in a playoff atmosphere game. Detroit is tough, refs were tough, Van Gundy is a good coach...Cavs just gutted this performance out. That was actually fun to watch. Probably walk out with a double-digit win.

Felt like stealing a road playoff game- bench guys were into it.
Detroit with 62 points in the first half, just 31 in the second half. Cavs win 102-93.
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