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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Derrick Rose likely done for the season with a tear in his right meniscus.

I think the Raptors and Wizards could take the Cavs to 6, but I'm feeling pretty good about the Eastern Conference. Could be looking at an early Finals preview this Thursday.
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LBJ said that because Love had the hot hand they were trying to get him the ball in space to shoot. Usually that means threes. Not saying it's not a little concerning but I don't think you'll see that on a nightly basis. At least I hope not.

Most surprising to me is he defense JR Smith has been playing and how that seems to be rubbing off on guys like Kyrie, who seems to be playing better defense than at any point in his career.

On a side note I love how Kendrick Perkins is already another Mike Miller, who might be my favorite Cav of all time. Up off the bench after every play talking to his teammates, having a blast.
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LBJ said that because Love had the hot hand they were trying to get him the ball in space to shoot. Usually that means threes. Not saying it's not a little concerning but I don't think you'll see that on a nightly basis. At least I hope not.
I think it was because Detroit's bigs are so fixed in the paint that the Cavs knew they could exploit Love's advantage shooting from the perimeter.

Against Draymond Green (undersized) and David Lee (sieve) on Thursday night, I bet they'll be more forceful in terms of getting Love the ball in the post to start.
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I don't get to watch too much of the Cavs. An occasional game and I always watch game highlights, but JR Smith has shocked me with some of his passing also.

Chuck Barkley said something on a TNT broadcast about JR Smith that I agree with. He said Smith is a good guy but he is a follower. Play him with good guys like LeBron, Kyrie, and Love and he will fit right in. Throw him with a bunch of selfish, me-first malcontented players in NY and he was the poster-child.

Anyone who got to see Smith in Denver early in his career should never question his abilities. I think he may still be one of the top 50 physical talents in the NBA. Like so many guys, in sports and in real life, his limitations have primarily been the result of what he has going from the neck up. At this point swapping out Waiters for Smith and Shumpert looks like the steal of the season.
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Eh, football season went a little long this year and I don't care much for the NBA until after March. Starting a little bit earlier since the Basketball-Bucks aren't keeping my greatest attention so far.

I did go to a bar and keep tabs on that game, good teams. Also the local Pacers were ending the Cavs big winning streak that night.
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