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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

I'm sure they could turn it on, and they have started somewhat slowly before, but San Antonio looks OLD. I'll bet OKC is the class of the Western Conference once April rolls around. Westbrook is ridiculous right now.
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Westbrook is so incredibly underrated. I'd be surprised if they aren't NBA Champs if Durant stays healthy.

The Cavs are playing like hot garbage today. Not even competitive against an under .500 team without their second best player. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. The defense is laughable. We're a stone's throw from January.
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These guys suck.

There is reason to be worried. No interior presence, Love looks totally out of place on this team. They just aren't a championship-calibre team. And lets be realistic, anything less than that will be considered a flop. I'll be shocked if Love is here more than this year.
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I don't know about Love, but he's still sacrificing too much to be here. Every time I think he's beginning to fit he'll have a 6 point game on 3/10 shooting. This team is at its best when the Big 3 score 20 each and still manage to share the ball. They now need a rim protector immediately. Like this month immediately.

Right now they're looking at losing to Washington, Toronto, or Chicago in round 2. And round 1 will probably go to 6 or 7 games. This is just sooooo Cleveland sports.

Gave up 62 points in one half to old man Dwyane Wade's 13-16 Heat.
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should have kept Wiggins and became a serious running team. The only way they can run is if Love keeps the full court outlet pass going every minute of the game. But, the defense is awful. I am thinking about trying out and become the hacker off the bench for em. What ya think, a 6'4" 260lb Center or PF just to whack the shit out of anybody who came into the lane? I'm well rested and work for cheap!!
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Getting to see a little bit more of this team since I'm in Ohio.

Meh. Whole lot of "meh" actually. Love looks like he'd rather be putting up stats on a losing team as he mopes around like an old man.

I'll try back in a month.
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Getting to see a little bit more of this team since I'm in Ohio.

Meh. Whole lot of "meh" actually. Love looks like he'd rather be putting up stats on a losing team as he mopes around like an old man.

I'll try back in a month.

Yeah I agree about Love. I guess he didn't play in the 4th quarter at all tonight. It was by far the Cavs best defense quarter all season. I was looking at possible trades and couldn't find any stars that would be available. I don't know where they go from here, but I'm glad I'm not the GM. Impossible to tell if this is a coaching or personnel problem.
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Yeah I agree about Love. I guess he didn't play in the 4th quarter at all tonight. It was by far the Cavs best defense quarter all season. I was looking at possible trades and couldn't find any stars that would be available. I don't know where they go from here, but I'm glad I'm not the GM. Impossible to tell if this is a coaching or personnel problem.
Sounds like all the fears about Love have been mostly true- empty stats on a team of losers and doesn't play a lick of defense.

Still think Bosh went through much of the same identity crisis on Miami before settling in to a great role. Guess the Cavs are 3 games worse than Miami year 1 at this point? Doesn't seem too terrible. But I'm not one to care/know at this time.
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Why are we not using Haywood? I love Thompsons effort, but he is too small. He cant man the Center position at 6'9".
Even Love is too small to play Center, not to mention he refuses to leave the ground to contest shots under the rim.
I would take Bosh over Love any day of the week. (if he didn't play for miami)

Varejao had injuries in 3 of the last 4 years, causing him to miss more than half of each year.
Did they really expect him to be our starting anchor, run pick and rolls with him all day and not expect his body to wear down?
I know squat about basketball and could see this coming a mile away.

He is 32 years old, known to be injury prone and we don't have a competent backup? Seriously?
May as well put an egg under your foot stand on it, and hope it doesn't break.

Great to see Waiters playing well, we need valuable assets to trade for a decent Center, along with our first round Memphis pick.
This team wont make it past the second round with this roster.
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Did anyone ever think Irving would be the MVP on the team?

Losing to Detroit by 23, at home, is not a good sign. Yes they shot over 50% from 3, but how much of that was a hot shooting day from Detroit and how much of that was too many wide open looks? Something has to change, and soon.
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