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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Yep... its not just the extra 10K, its who they extra 10K are. Its the extra 15K "hot ticket" buyers, at that point.

Its sorta similar to a discussion I had with my buddy where he was listening to people worried/complaining/ranting moronically that somehow your average sportsbar in Shaker Heights (wherever, I can't remember, Parma... insert all appropriate jokes here) would now suffer because the people would be so interested in the Cavs, that they'd *gasp* go downtown to watch the games (whether at the Arena or a bigger/better sportsbar). Ummm... yeah... if there are 4 times as many people interested, the sportsbar in Shaker is gonna get two of those 4. At any rate, it will easily replace the ones lost to downtown, just from the added interest. Further, the reach will be much farther where many more people will come in to town to make an event of it, so, for the weekend they'll stay at the hotel, go to the Casino and catch a game, its not just the "let me stop in after the game is over and drop a c-note" increase in traffic.
How many more people will go to a sports bar, to watch a Cavs victory rather than DVR the game at home?
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How many more people will go to a sports bar, to watch a Cavs victory rather than DVR the game at home?

See that's the problem, they'll just fast forward through the commercials...

Wait, that's not what I meant. But, yeah, probalby a lot.

The easiest way to put it is this... My Dad had Indians season tickets for about 15 years... lets say, 1988 to 2003 give or take. 6 seats at Municipal, and then 4 at Jacobs. At any rate, they were for business clients and paid for (back to "tickets sold" vs butts in seats - but it goes beyond that) And I'd guess he got someone in the seats for 80% of the time over that time... but, a whole lot of times, I was the butt in the seat, and when the tribe sucked it was a lot of marginal attendees. I'm not a big value ad for the Indians at age 16, Maybe a hot, dog, soda, and peanuts, max, since I went to a ton of games it was pretty routine, drive up, grab McDonalds on the way, go to the game, come home. Went to a LOT of games in the last couple years at Muni. In 1993 on the other hand and through 1998 or 9... the number 'Mike, I've got an extra seat" opportunities dropped and I went to maybe 6 or 8 games a year... because the seat were filled by the now interested "actual client" that they were intended for, who, my Dad spent more money on when they were there, etc.
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It's not horrible... at least it is only one 1st round pick (protected). So we still have trade assets and/or ability to get some young guys next year.

I am thinking of it as the tax we have to pay to get LeBron. Yes I would not have liked to give up Wiggins, but we probably gave him assurances we were getting Love. So be it!

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It's become increasingly apparent this deal wasn't going down without Wiggins. Flip Saunders is a boob, and I think he's the kind of guy that would cut off his nose to spite his face and let Love walk with no return rather than do a deal that didn't include Wiggins. Sucks because I really like Wiggins and think he could have been something special playing next to LeBron, but at this point, it's hard to pass on a proven commodity like Love. I'm not a huge fan of his game, but Miami won two titles with LeBronie, a gay dinosaur, and a rapidly aging Diane Wade along with a revolving cast of old men and scrubs. I think a big three of LeBronie/Kyrie/Love > LeBronie/RuPaul/Diane, plus they have a better/younger supporting cast. If they don't win a couple of titles with that core, Cleveland is never sniffing a title because the Indians aren't going anywhere, and the clowns are banking on an undersized party boy who without the e!spn/sec hype machine is probably playing in the CFL.
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Congrats, David Griffin--you're the first person to have ever been out-negotiated by Flip Saunders. :lol:
It's the kind of trade that you won't know for another couple of years who got the better end. If Bennett stays, well, like Bennett was last year (or at least doesn't dramatically improve), then he's a nobody. The 1st round pick will be in the 20s. And then Wiggins: could be a top 5 player, could be a top 50 player. Only time will tell.

Personally I think it's a solid trade since you have LBJ. He only has 3, maybe 5 elite years left. You want to maximize championships NOW. Yes, you are to an extent sacrificing some down the road (especially if Wiggins becomes a top 5 talent), but you can't be sure you win a title with what you have currently around LBJ, and you couldn't be sure you have enough to win with what would have been around Wiggins in 5 years after LBJ declines. But now you KNOW you have the pieces in place to win championships. Now.

Edit: I think Cleveland wins the title in year 2.
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I was pretty adamant about not trading Wiggins, but you just put three all stars together with one of them just now entering his prime (Love), one that is still in his prime(LBJ), and one that isn't even close to his prime(Kyrie). This is going to be fun, plus you still have the Utah contracts to get a rim defending big.
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