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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

First of all, talk about a random ass tangent going in here. But nonetheless, I thought once you sign an agent (assuming it doesn't matter if it's different sports) or if you have endorsements you can't play collegiate sports.
Jeremy Bloom, who had been a pro skier, played football at Colorado. The rule was he was NCAA eligible so long as he wasn't currently being paid to ski or being paid endorsement dollars.
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Let's slow our horses here for a second. We haven't won anything yet, not even a single game with LBJ back in Cleveland. Lets do that before we start thinking other sports, even if he could dominate.
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The Cavaliers should have the leverage here not Minnesota. Without Love we still could very well win 55 even maybe up to 60 games in the weak East. Minn has no choice but to make a move before March. If they don't they are idiotic.

Waiting for awhile not only gives a guy like Bennett an opportunity to raise his stock, it also gives Wiggins a chance to show us what he has. What if Wiggins is exactly we need? A guy who is athletic with a high motor and great D. We will score solid points with guys like Kyrie, Bron, Waiters, AV, ... whoever. We can still get boards like crazy from guys like AV, TT, Bennett etc. We have some great outside shooters now. This team as is can still contend for a ring this season I don't care what butthurt ESecPN moron says.

We need to stand firm, offer Waiters, Bennet, 2 unprotected firsts and that's it.
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There's are a lot of good points being made, I think, on both sides of the argument, but ultimately its going to boil down to how bad Lebron wants Love on the team. I think that it is also worth noting that it is going to be much easier to attract top shelf talent to Cleveland while Lebron is in his prime and there is a track record established that ownership is willing try to build a championship quality team.

I, personally, look at it like this, as a fan, which is the bigger gamble? Do you trade some very talented, but young and unproven guys, at the risk of potentially sacrificing some competitiveness down the road, or do you take the more known veteran commodity, albeit with some downside, to combine 3 most productive players in the league? Well, the first option probably keeps you in the playoff picture more years than not, maybe even one of the better teams in the Eastern Conference. The second option probably puts you immediately in contention for the conference and league championship for the next few years. The object of even playing is stil to when championships, right? So, it would seem to make more sense, to me, to, if you have the ability to put yourself in a better position to do that, you have an obligation to do so, otherwise, why even play the game? Just to be competitive? I don't think the NBA hands out participation ribbons as of yet.

Obviously, if you can get the deal done without moving Wiggins, you do it. If he absolutely has to be part of the deal to get Love in a Cavs uniform, you have to do that too. Wiggins, Waiters and Bennett and or Thompson(though I wouldn't offer him) makes Love and expensive gamble, but one that, in combination with Lebron and Kyrie, makes a lot of sense, and is ultimately a safer bet than waiting to see what Wiggins turns in to. I Don't think you even hesitate on dealing Bennett or Waiters.

Now, having said that, if Lebron had not come back, you don't pay that much for Love.
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I think Warren Buffett would very much disagree with you on this. Warren's philosophy has been to find obtain things that are undervalued and to avoid things that are overvalued.
Warren Buffett doesn't buy junk because it is cheap. He buys quality that can be turned into higher quality with proper management.

If Warren Buffett owned the Cavs, he would likely determine that Kevin Love is undervalued, perhaps the most undervalued player in the league. Certainly, Love has a high value to Minnesota in terms of trade value, but he is undervalued in the following sense: he is a very productive asset that hasn't been utilized properly (i.e., Minnesota hasn't been able to surround him with the proper talent to become a winning organization). As a member of the Cavs, Love would add value to the organization far in excess of his trade "cost":

1. Synergy with Lebron and Kyrie = increased wins, playoff appearances, possible (probable) championship(s)

2. Presence of superstar = increased marketing/merchandising potential, value of franchise increases (remember, the NBA is still a business)

3. Winning organization = increased business activity, chance to profit in other downtown business ventures (i.e., casino)

4. Intangibles - bring a championship to Cleveland for the first time in fifty years, become a local hero

Now, what is the proper price to pay for Love? Well, if the goal is to create a Big Three, then obviously you cannot trade the first two members of that potential triumvirate (Kyrie and LeBron); Minnesota would not expect either of those two players in any trade. And you cannot trade away the pieces that have been retained or brought in to complement the potential Big Three (Varejao, Miller, Jones, Ray Allen?); Minnesota wouldn't want any of those players anyway. Every other asset owned by the Cavs should be fair game. Of course, you try to keep the price as low as possible, but once you realize how valuable Love is to the Cavs, you see that it would be very difficult to "overpay" for him, especially when the assets you have to offer have little or no proven value.
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Jeremy Bloom, who had been a pro skier, played football at Colorado. The rule was he was NCAA eligible so long as he wasn't currently being paid to ski or being paid endorsement dollars.
This actually does sound familiar (at least the skier part not the name). So all LeBron has to do is forgo hundreds of millions of dollars of endorsements (compared to bloom's maybe hundred if thousands) to play a game he hasn't played since HighSchool to just have fun :).
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Interesting wiggins still hasn't signed a contract with the cavs yet..Once he signs he cannot be traded for 30 days....If the cavs were not shopping him for Love then I think he would be signed already...not like NFL or MLB when it comes to offering contracts
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Interesting wiggins still hasn't signed a contract with the cavs yet..Once he signs he cannot be traded for 30 days....If the cavs were not shopping him for Love then I think he would be signed already...not like NFL or MLB when it comes to offering contracts

Just sayin': You never know what rumors to believe:

Updating a previous report, The Cavaliers reportedly have not considered adding Andrew Wiggins to a deal that would net them Kevin Love.
There was an earlier report that the Cavs were willing to include Wiggins in a deal for Love, but now two people with knowledge of the situation are denying that report. It's been speculated that the Timberwolves were the ones who leaked the Wiggins rumor in an attempt to get the Warriors to up their offer and include Klay Thompson, and it seems that as one report comes out regarding Love’s future.

Andrew Wiggins has not been made available to the Wolves, according to CSNNW.com.
The Cavs are not moving from their asking price on Kevin Love and on the surface it seems like they're the ones holding up the deal. If the Cavs really do want to win now, it may behoove them to get a deal done. Wiggins would obviously have more fantasy value on another team. Jul 19 - 11:20 AM
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Even though I'm a little soured on the Kevin Love trade ideas, there is one separate reason I hope they get him
Warren Buffett doesn't buy junk because it is cheap. He buys quality that can be turned into higher quality with proper management.

If Warren Buffett owned the Cavs, he would likely determine that Kevin Love is undervalued, perhaps the most undervalued player in the league. Certainly, Love has a high value to Minnesota in terms of trade value, but he is undervalued in the following sense: he is a very productive asset that hasn't been utilized properly (i.e., Minnesota hasn't been able to surround him with the proper talent to become a winning organization). As a member of the Cavs, Love would add value to the organization far in excess of his trade "cost":

Warren never overpays for an asset, regardless of quality. This is the probably key point of our differing stances on this - what is Kevin Love's value? Is he a spectacular talent who hasn't been surrounded with help, or is he a guy who is racking up stats due to having no other scoring options on his team?

I don't know the answer to the above. I haven't watched him play enough to come to my own conclusion. It would help us to have his outside shooting, but additional scorers may not be a big need going forward.
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The way Bennett looks right now, yes I know it's only summer league, but it's the kind of development we were hoping to see out of him. If he continues he could very well be a lighter version of Kevin Love - at least in statistics. 16 and 8 and able to keep Wiggins vs 25-8 with Love and the extra salary. Pretty much a wash if the development continues. All big IF's.

What if we sell off all of our players and Love gets injured? Talk about sucking.
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I'm still waiting for someone to answer this question:

But maybe I'm wrong here. What team do you think is (1) interested in Love, (2) would be a team with which he'd agree to sign a multi-year deal, and (3) has assets that they would be willing to trade--and Minnesota would be willing to accept--for Love? It's a serious question, because I've read nothing that indicates there's any team out there, besides the Cavs of course, that fit all three prongs. Golden State is comes the closest, but they fail prong 3 as a result of the Klay Thompson stalemate.
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