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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Im really hoping Embiid's health is okay. If so, Cavs should definitely take him #1.
A Young PG and C are great building blocks for the future. Im not a fan of trading to rent a veteran.

I think Lebron would come back to join Kyrie and a healthy Embiid.
if not...kyrie and embiid would still be a dynamic pair and get the cavs playoff bound.

I think Wiggins has too much hype. Hes good but he wont be KD.

Kid looked pretty healthy just the other day at a workout:

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After watching all three workout on those videos, I'm more confused than ever. All three look like a good pick.

All three are great picks. It really comes down to what the Cavs want.

Wiggins cant ball handle as good as Parker, but his defense is way better than parker.

Parker is the safest bet...He will be productive like Carmelo Anthony.
But, the cavs don't need another player with poor defense. Also,
Lebron couldn't play with Parker (plays same position SF)

Wiggins is the next safest bet...Cavs need his defense, but he cant ball handle enough on offense to dominate.
Also, he doesn't show the personality it takes to dominate games.
However, Wiggins could play at SG (2) while Lebron would play SF (3).

Embiid is the least safest bet...His back could easily cause him to be a bust. But he has the highest potential.
He's athletic, shows great defense and has a smooth shooting stroke.
A big skilled Center will be the anchor the Cavs need more than anything else.

If the cavs don't trade the pick...They will definitely take, either Wiggins or Embiid.
They will go after Lebron and he cant play with Parker and Parker is too poor defensively.

Embiid appears to be healthy, but his injury appears to be a reoccurring problem.
Also, it will take Embiid at least a year or two before he will become productive. (He has low IQ, turnover prone)

Wiggins could step right in...He is immediate help. (which is what the cavs want most)
PG Kyrie, SG Dion, SF Wiggins
Kyrie and Dion could do the ball handling while kicking out to Wiggins for open shots.

So I THINK the cavs will take Wiggins and pray they can lure Lebron back.
Embiid is the better (long term) option if he could stay healthy.
But I don't think the Cavs want to spend the time developing Embiid.
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Kyrie Points Out

New York Daily News, by Mitch Lawrence, May 24, 2014

The Cavs are making noises that they aren’t going to offer Kyrie Irving “max money" this summer via a long-term extension. They don’t want to deal the 2014 All-Star Game MVP, but it could come to that, especially if the West Orange product and his family continue to tell people that he wants out. Irving hasn’t been a leader in his first three seasons and he’s also gained the unwelcomed reputation as a locker-room problem. Those are two reasons the Cavs don’t see him as a max player.
Maybe it's time to cut ties with Kyrmelo.
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All three are great picks. It really comes down to what the Cavs want.

Wiggins cant ball handle as good as Parker, but his defense is way better than parker.

Parker is the safest bet...He will be productive like Carmelo Anthony.
But, the cavs don't need another player with poor defense. Also,
Lebron couldn't play with Parker (plays same position SF)

Wiggins is the next safest bet...Cavs need his defense, but he cant ball handle enough on offense to dominate.
Also, he doesn't show the personality it takes to dominate games.
However, Wiggins could play at SG (2) while Lebron would play SF (3).

Embiid is the least safest bet...His back could easily cause him to be a bust. But he has the highest potential.
He's athletic, shows great defense and has a smooth shooting stroke.
A big skilled Center will be the anchor the Cavs need more than anything else.

If the cavs don't trade the pick...They will definitely take, either Wiggins or Embiid.
They will go after Lebron and he cant play with Parker and Parker is too poor defensively.

Embiid appears to be healthy, but his injury appears to be a reoccurring problem.
Also, it will take Embiid at least a year or two before he will become productive. (He has low IQ, turnover prone)

Wiggins could step right in...He is immediate help. (which is what the cavs want most)
PG Kyrie, SG Dion, SF Wiggins
Kyrie and Dion could do the ball handling while kicking out to Wiggins for open shots.

So I THINK the cavs will take Wiggins and pray they can lure Lebron back.
Embiid is the better (long term) option if he could stay healthy.
But I don't think the Cavs want to spend the time developing Embiid.

What part of Embiid's game will take time to develop? Could he come in right away and be distruptive on defense? I say yes. Could he foul too much? maybe... But he should be able to come in right away and play above average defense and you have to wait a couple of years before he becomes 1st team defense/defensive player of the year type?

Offense? He has a smooth stroke, so he should be able to hit 10-15 footers. He has moves with his back to the basket... so he should be an average offensive center comming out of the gate and take a few years before he can average 20+ a game.

IQ - Ok, I agree with you there. Could he be turnover prone? Could he foul too much? Could he be in the wrong position on defense at times?

So my thinking is he can come right out of the gate an average 10pts, 7-8 Rebounds and 2-3 blocks a game as a rookie. Oh drat... we might have to wait 2 years to see if he becomes a 20 pt 10 rebound 3-4 blocks a game type guy?

This guy improved dramatically in college over the first 2 months of playing in college. While he could be rough the first few months, by January/February this guy could be showing glimpses of greatness with a few bad games that we can chaulk up to a rookie learning the game.

Like I have said from day 1, get the best medical people on him and get a full report. If he checks out, you take him and forget it. His type does not grow on trees and immediately gives Kyrie and Dion driving room. Kyrie could average 3-4 assists to Embiid a night by just driving to the rim and then dumping of to Embiid for the dunk (or Kyrie gets alot more easy lanes to the basket since the help would have to stick with Embiid)
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Like I have said from day 1, get the best medical people on him and get a full report. If he checks out, you take him and forget it. His type does not grow on trees and immediately gives Kyrie and Dion driving room. Kyrie could average 3-4 assists to Embiid a night by just driving to the rim and then dumping of to Embiid for the dunk (or Kyrie gets alot more easy lanes to the basket since the help would have to stick with Embiid)

This analysis is too simplistic, IMO. You can't just simply say "get the best medical people" and "forget it." Any doctor you bring in will not be able to say with 100% certainty that is back will be OK. At best, you'll get a percentage. So I guess my question for you (or any of the pro-Embiid guys) is what percentage would cause you to look elsewhere? And if you did, who do you think the Cavs should draft?
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The problem is that center is almost like RB to the NFL. So many teams can be good without a dominate center you have to ask if it's better to spend the pick on a wing and find a couple bodies to play center. I would still be trying to bulk Thompson up so that he can play C against most of the NBA. It isn't like Embiid will be able to defend a beast like Howard in the near future anyway. Should have drafted Drummond a couple years ago.

I would like to know what price the Wolves want for a 1 year rental on Love. I'd give them TT, Andy, and a future protected first. They have to move him to get something in return and anyone that is giving up a top first round pick this year is crazy.
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The problem is that center is almost like RB to the NFL. So many teams can be good without a dominate center you have to ask if it's better to spend the pick on a wing and find a couple bodies to play center. I would still be trying to bulk Thompson up so that he can play C against most of the NBA. It isn't like Embiid will be able to defend a beast like Howard in the near future anyway. Should have drafted Drummond a couple years ago.

I would like to know what price the Wolves want for a 1 year rental on Love. I'd give them TT, Andy, and a future protected first. They have to move him to get something in return and anyone that is giving up a top first round pick this year is crazy.

Going to have to disagree here, the fact that centers are so rare makes Embiid that much more attractive. His size and athleticism combination rarely come along, and in the NBA that is a huge advantage to have a player of his capability.

I'm thinking a first next year TT, Andy, and maybe one other piece will maybe get you a year rental on Love. He will be traded to someone there is no doubt about that.
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This analysis is too simplistic, IMO. You can't just simply say "get the best medical people" and "forget it." Any doctor you bring in will not be able to say with 100% certainty that is back will be OK. At best, you'll get a percentage. So I guess my question for you (or any of the pro-Embiid guys) is what percentage would cause you to look elsewhere? And if you did, who do you think the Cavs should draft?

It's not a percentage. It is whatever the docs tell the Cavs front office. The Cavs have their docs who they trust. While they won't say 100% certain, they can tell the front office whether it is a chronic issue. Could it be career threatening... could he play through it, will it be something where it will prevent him from reaching his potential. For all we know the doc could tell the Cavs it isn't a career threatening issue and was a one time injury. Or they can say while his back is not a chronic concern, but it would open him up to similar injuries in the future.

There are many aspects of the doctor review I am sure goes into it. But I am not a doctor and I don't want to play one on the internet. I just make it simple for myself... if the Cavs feel comfortable with whatever their docs tell them... then draft him. If they are not comfortable, pick their next guy.

People have to not be gun shy he will turn into an Oden. But then again, we are Cleveland. So the answer will be simple, if the Cavs take Embiid, he will retire in 2 years with back problems, and if they don't take him he will become a hall of fame player and whoever the Cavs do take, will suck.
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