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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Anthony Bennett had a lot of bad things going for him last year, I think he will be much improved this year with a real off-season. It will be interesting to see if he can show some of that potential that he has. Definitely a make or break year for him with the Cavs.
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Embiid is far from a "safe" pick. Back issues and big men are a gigantic risk...especially when they're popping up after one year of college ball. Franchises like the Cavs cannot afford to play it "safe" if they want to get further than just making the playoffs. Wiggins has the most potential of anyone in this draft. And while he may be perceived as "soft", you have to remember he's 19 years old, and 6'8, around 200 lbs. His body has more growing to do. One of his top attributes is supposedly his work ethic and attitude. So it seems like he's the kind of kid you know will work his butt off to maximize that potential. Plus in a locker room where you already have a questionable attitude in Waiters and Irving, Wiggins would be a nice change.

Parker is a really solid player. And if the Cavs are happy getting a guy that is going to be "steady" but probably not "spectacular", he's probably the guy. But I'll say this-- after watching him against Mercer, I was not all that impressed. Great players take over games like that. He most certainly did not do that. Plus, he's questionable on defense. Another questionable defender is the last thing the Cavs need.

Embiid is not a safe pick, he is a safer pick than Wiggins though is what I'm saying. He has enough game and physical tools that you can tell he will be at worst a pretty solid big unless he really goes down hill hard with injuries. Wiggins has the potential to be a consistent all-star, but he also has the potential to be an average role player if he doesn't get his demeanor and toughness up. Regardless of if his body has more growing to do, it's up to him to decide if he wants to be tough or not and play with fire. Some people no matter the size just aren't physical. Look at Amir Williams of OSU, he is huge and yet he is soft.

Wiggins certainly has the most potential but we cannot afford another bust. Looks like we may have busted with our pick last year. I would not be mad at all if we took Wiggins, but I don't think he would be the wises choice especially seeing as we keep passing up on bigs all the time. Well to be fair watching Wiggins vs Stanford he only shot 6 times going 1-6 in 34 min of play with 4 TO's. So you can say great players take over games pertaining to Wiggins too. At least Parker took 14 shots and looked to make a difference instead of sitting back.

Parker is safer, aggressive, has an NBA ready body, and a good rebounder. His D can be improved upon, look at guys like KD and LeBron who got a lot better in that area. Wiggins is an athletic machine, high reward decently high risk (not unreasonable one though) but looks timid a lot and lacks strength, size, and aggressiveness a SF should have. Not a great rebounder either. Worrying that he could be a guy who needs a kick in the butt all the time. Parker could easily be Melo esque, Wiggins could be a Vince Carter/Rudy Gay type player...

Although I do think CLE will choose between Embiid and Wiggins.
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Anthony Bennett had a lot of bad things going for him last year, I think he will be much improved this year with a real off-season. It will be interesting to see if he can show some of that potential that he has. Definitely a make or break year for him with the Cavs.

Agreed. The kid has talent but he needs to work his ass off to get into shape. NOW if he turns into the player he is capable of being, it would look like the Cavs picked up a mid-to-top tier FA or picked up another high draft pick this year because Anthony Bennett did not contribute at all last year.

Without question, this team has talent. They need a HC that can bring it all together. Imagine if the light comes on for KI to become a better all around player; KI and Dion learn to play together; Bennett plays like a #1 overall pick; and add Wiggins at the Wing. This team could be very, very good. But a lot has to happen.
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Agreed. The kid has talent but he needs to work his ass off to get into shape. NOW if he turns into the player he is capable of being, it would look like the Cavs picked up a mid-to-top tier FA or picked up another high draft pick this year because Anthony Bennett did not contribute at all last year.

Without question, this team has talent. They need a HC that can bring it all together. Imagine if the light comes on for KI to become a better all around player; KI and Dion learn to play together; Bennett plays like a #1 overall pick; and add Wiggins at the Wing. This team could be very, very good. But a lot has to happen.

Yeah, the key will be finding a coach that has the grit to put these pieces together in an up tempo offense that can take advantage of the talent we have. From everything Griffin has done as GM I do have a decent bit of confidence he is going to be able to match a coach to the roster and vice versa.
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Possible trades for Love include the #1 pick, Thompson, and Waiters. The same as last year, only you get one year less with Love and the #1 pick this year could actually make a difference. Unless Love signs an extension they'd be nuts to trade for him.

I think Noel would've been the smart choice last year, but with him falling to #6 who knows how bad his knee actually was.

As for this year, I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Wiggins more than Embiid. I was not impressed with Embiid in college and in my opinion, you need to dominate the college game to have an impact as a center in the NBA. I would not be overly upset with Parker (though we don't need another undersized PF) because I think he's a hard worker and is ready to play. Defense remains a question with Parker, unfortunately. Overall Wiggins is the right choice, and if they don't think Wiggins can play SF, they should dump Waiters. Waiters played some great ball last year and I'd hate to see him go, but the Cavs struggle with two ball dominant players on the roster (last year it was Waiters and Irving). Waiters could also set up a nice trade to get a decent defense-first center. I agree that you don't need the world's best center to win an NBA championship anymore. I think you can count the centers who make a difference on two hands; Noah, Hibbert, Howard, Lopez, Drummond, and Gasol. The rest just clog up the lane and slow down the offense. I think we're okay with Andy for now and some kind of hustle-play/defense-first/rebounding big man in the future.

I think it's impossible to pass on Wiggins knowing his work ethic and defensive skill. Defensive skills would be great on a team that lacks a decent perimeter defender. That being said, I'd bet that they take Embiid or trade way too much for the Rent-a-Love deal.
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You clearly don't think as highly of this draft class as virtually everyone else if you think the player with "the highest potential of anyone in this draft" only has the potential to be Serge Ibaka.

The quote from a scout I saw was *if his back checks out* that his FLOOR is Serge Ibaka and his ceiling is Hakeem Olajuwon. He might not get to his ceiling, but you could call his ceiling then 'the best center' in the NBA.

So it isn't a knock on anyone else in this class, as it is a GREAT class. But if you can draft a dominate game changing center... you do it. But I am on record... as long as his back checks out, you take Embiid and forget it, if not you take Wiggins.
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I think Love is a pipe dream. I think Quitness is a pipe dream. Then again, I was convinced Quitness was resigning 4 years ago, so who the hell knows.

I think the most likely scenario is they pick whomever they feel best fits what they want to do at #1 (I'm thinking Wiggins). They have a ton of cap room, but the fact is, this is still flyover country, and attracting FA's to Cleveland is more than simply difficult. They couldn't do it when Quitness was here. They build around Wiggins and Kyrie and either use that cap room and/or some trade pieces to bring in a capable big man...somebody like a Lamarcus Aldridge. Maybe they make an RFA run at Monroe and weaken a division foe at the same time.

That's a pretty good trio to try to build a team around.
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You clearly don't think as highly of this draft class as virtually everyone else if you think the player with "the highest potential of anyone in this draft" only has the potential to be Serge Ibaka.

And you clearly have reading comprehension issues and by comparing him to Ibaka I'm mainly speaking on his defensive potential which is the shot blocking ability that he posses. If you were not aware Ibaka has lead the league in blocks for past four seasons. That type of presence would greatly help the ball penetration issues that this team has been very suseptable too especially with the lapses that Dion and Kyrie routinely have on that end of the floor.

Offensively Embiid's potential is much higher than Ibaka's(although Ibaka continues to grow on that side of the floor). Embiid could easily be a 20 &10 type of player within a few years of being in the league while being top five in blocks. That would be very hard to turn down, IF the Cavs think that his back issues won't effect him long term.
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And you clearly have reading comprehension issues and by comparing him to Ibaka I'm mainly speaking on his defensive potential which is the shot blocking ability that he posses.

So I have reading comprehension issues because I didn't take your post in which you generally compared him to Ibaka, and assuming that you were "mainly speaking on his defensive potential?" :lol: Perhaps you need to take a remedial course on how to accurately express your thoughts instead of whining about how people don't know what you're thinking due to your inability to express those thoughts. (To help you, I'll remind you that in your post about Ibaka (which you misspelled, I might add), you mentioned defense as well as pick and roll, mid range, and post up--sounds like you're talking a lot of offense to me.)

If you were not aware Ibaka has lead the league in blocks for past four seasons.

Good for him. He wouldn't be in the top 5 if he were in this year's draft.

That type of presence would greatly help the ball penetration issues that this team has been very suseptable too especially with the lapses that Dion and Kyrie routinely have on that end of the floor.

Again, with those pesky misspellings. I'd think someone who claims--inanely--that others have reading comprehension issues would be able to spell.

Offensively Embiid's potential is much higher than Ibaka's(although Ibaka continues to grow on that side of the floor). Embiid could easily be a 20 &10 type of player within a few years of being in the league while being top five in blocks. That would be very hard to turn down, IF the Cavs think that his back issues won't effect him long term.

That's great. But you've got a guy in Wiggins that could be one of the top players in the NBA. And he doesn't have huge question marks with respect to his health. You don't need to roll the dice when you've got the #1 pick in the draft. Especially not with a talent like Wiggins there.
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It's really interesting to think. Do you take a guy that could turn out to be a stud or could never reach his potential because he lacks aggressiveness in Wiggins? Do you take a C big who is really athletic and has a super high ceiling but has injury concern in Embiid? Or do you take the safest choice but the one who may get shadowed by Wiggins and Embiid if they reach their higher potential? Fortunately CLE has a reversal of last year. This time instead of choosing who should we take higher than we have to, it's who can we take that will be a stud the most.

I am not saying LeBron will return, but nobody can argue that getting the first pick definitely helps our chances, however slim or reasonable they may be.
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An ESPN analyst had a good point last night.. as to why LeBron would come back
Said.. LeBron ain't matching Michael's ring total at Miami... Wade is breaking down
so if he wants to get the ring count... his best place is Celeveland
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