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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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Patrick Bateman;2314610; said:
Hey now..I was just saying that I think Banner is all business it seems and Heckert as afor mentioned took a laid back approach...

I havent heard any grumblings about anything today except the Browns resigning Ogbonayya and Jordan Norwood...Also the Carolina TE signing...

I completely agree the Chud/Turner offense needs that vertical TE that I dont see on our roster...I was really hoping on the offensive side of the ball we get an OG, a receiving TE, and a slot receiver...Maybe we will?

Defensively I love the signings but need CB and safety help...Its only day 2 of free agency..Im just glad we arent signing the Eric Bartons, the Frostee Ruckers, or the Ted Washingtons of the world....I apologize about the random musings....Ill stay on topic

I'm pretty sure Cameron is as vertical of a TE and you can get.
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True Cameron is but he isn't proven.....at the college or NFL level...I am not impressed with him whatsoever yet...Fred Davis would be a nice addition but didn't he tear his achellies (sp) tendon? I just see a glaring hole at that position you guys may disagree...
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Patrick Bateman;2314618; said:
True Cameron is but he isn't proven.....at the college or NFL level...I am not impressed with him whatsoever yet...Fred Davis would be a nice addition but didn't he tear his achellies (sp) tendon? I just see a glaring hole at that position you guys may disagree...

I think Cameron is still raw, but seems to be a good pass catching TE with a tone of potential. I'll be interested in drafting Stoney as another pass catcher at TE. Smelley can give you a little of both as a backup FB and TE. The Buckeye in me wants Stoney and and Boren in the back half of the draft.
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Me too...I'd love Boren at FB, is just a gamer...
Also a blocking FB is important in this offense (Jacob Hester at SD)... Stoneburner I see as a Cameron clone who never really lived up to our expections but he is great in the seam over the middle...That could free up the outside with Gordon and Little...I wont be discouraged if we draft either two...Not just cause I love Ohio State but I can see a fit in this offense as well...
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Nevermind just being a Buckeye - this team needs another TE, who can contribute in blocking (Stoney will need to put forth a little more effort) but who can also threaten the vertical seam as well. It only makes sense considering our lack of a 2nd round pick and Jake possibly projected to go as high as the 3rd round.

Boren is also a no-brainer to me. We have no "true" FB on roster. Let alone one with his pass-catching abilities.

Plus they're Buckeyes. Local boys. That can only serve to warm a fan-base to the teams ownership and FO.
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exhawg;2314622; said:
I think Cameron is still raw, but seems to be a good pass catching TE with a tone of potential. I'll be interested in drafting Stoney as another pass catcher at TE. Smelley can give you a little of both as a backup FB and TE. The Buckeye in me wants Stoney and and Boren in the back half of the draft.

Patrick Bateman;2314624; said:
Me too...I'd love Boren at FB, is just a gamer...
Also a blocking FB is important in this offense (Jacob Hester at SD)... Stoneburner I see as a Cameron clone who never really lived up to our expections but he is great in the seam over the middle...That could free up the outside with Gordon and Little...I wont be discouraged if we draft either two...Not just cause I love Ohio State but I can see a fit in this offense as well...

Buckeneye;2314625; said:
Nevermind just being a Buckeye - this team needs another TE, who can contribute in blocking (Stoney will need to put forth a little more effort) but who can also threaten the vertical seam as well. It only makes sense considering our lack of a 2nd round pick and Jake possibly projected to go as high as the 3rd round.

Boren is also a no-brainer to me. We have no "true" FB on roster. Let alone one with his pass-catching abilities.

Plus they're Buckeyes. Local boys. That can only serve to warm a fan-base to the teams ownership and FO.
I think all four of us agree on something which is amazing.
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Maybe if Stoney had been in Urbs/Herman's offense for four years instead of JTs he could have been utilized better..We always heard how the TE was going to be featured more but never was...

He was inconsistent at times but made big plays as well...
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Well... Cribbs is gone. From a money standpoint its for the best. From a fan standpoint its kind of upsetting. Would have been nice to see him retire here and perhaps be apart of a playoff team. He's been very fun to watch and at times, our greatest scoring weapon. Best of luck to him in Zona'.
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Buckeneye;2314700; said:
Well... Cribbs is gone. From a money standpoint its for the best. From a fan standpoint its kind of upsetting. Would have been nice to see him retire here and perhaps be apart of a playoff team. He's been very fun to watch and at times, our greatest scoring weapon. Best of luck to him in Zona'.

once cribbs got his big contract a few years back, ive liked cribbs better OFF the field then i did ON the field...hes a great representative of cleveland and the community but his performance on the field was a dissapointment
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I'm going to miss Cribbs, but with the KO changes they've made his value has gone way down. I wish him luck in Arizona, but I don't see much production out there without a QB. He would have been better off with Manning or Brady (as every other WR in the NFL would be).
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