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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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Buckeneye;2314457; said:
Like I said - given Jones and his clean bill of health, it gives us
Interesting options at #6. If Avril leaves Detroit, they pretty much
Have to go DE. Oakland is now forced to take the best DT available.
Jags will probably go OT. So Jones or Milliner might now be available
At #6. I'd be happy with either.

i'd say that philly almost has to go corner since they released both their starters from last season.
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tsteele316;2314460; said:
i'd say that philly almost has to go corner since they released both their starters from last season.

Forgot about Philly. That's a wildcard. Isn't their Oline still garbage? By then
The top 2 OT's might be gone - so yes, Milliner might not fall to #6.

Either way, what was looking like a terrible draft slot, is shaping up quite nice.
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Buckeneye;2314463; said:
Forgot about Philly. That's a wildcard. Isn't their Oline still garbage? By then
The top 2 OT's might be gone - so yes, Milliner might not fall to #6.

Either way, what was looking like a terrible draft slot, is shaping up quite nice.

they get peters back this year, so their LT spot will have someone. the rest of their OL is a bit of a mess, but that doesn't warrant a top 5 pick. i just don't see any other real viable option for them unless they take dion jordan.
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tsteele316;2314471; said:
they get peters back this year, so their LT spot will have someone. the rest of their OL is a bit of a mess, but that doesn't warrant a top 5 pick. i just don't see any other real viable option for them unless they take dion jordan.

I pray Jordan goes before #6 just so Banner & LOLBardi aren't dumb enough to take him.
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Wish a corner would sign so the market would be set and we can maybe pull the trigger on one....I hope that we also sign a vertical threat at tight end too..

Please release Chris Gocong....

Also nice start to free agency by Banner and Co...I have to think Ray Farmer was brought in.cause the brass are worried about Lombardi's checkered draft history...Great move if true..

Also, please stop the Shears/Rubin trade rumors...We finally have solid depth on our D-line that are true pros, so lets just go ahead and dismantle it? C'mon man...
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Buckeneye;2314357; said:
1st down.

DE - Bryant. NT - Rubin. SDE/DT - Taylor.
Good luck running inside on that.

Passing downs.

DE - Sheard. NT- Taylor. SDE/DT - Bryant. Kruger on the outside.

I'm really liking the direction of this defense. That's a pretty damn
Solid front for pressuring QB's.
This is wrong from everything that I have read. Taylor will play the NT and Rubin will be the DE along with Bryant but Bryant can also slide to the inside.

They believe Taylor can start at nose tackle, with Rubin and Bryant at the ends. Bryant also can move inside when Taylor rests. They want a lot of depth on the line, and believe they now have it as they also really like Wynn as an end. They believe Hughes and Kitchen also can help out.

The Boston Globe reported that Bryant was a top target for New England, and that the Patriots believe he was the best defensive linemen in free agency.


I also would not be surprised to see Rubin or Sheard traded with the abundance of defensive lineman and the fact that playing OLB might be a little difficult for Sheard but we shall see maybe the new coaching staff thinks he can make the transition.
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Patrick Bateman;2314493; said:
Wish a corner would sign so the market would be set and we can maybe pull the trigger on one....I hope that we also sign a vertical threat at tight end too..

Please release Chris Gocong....

Also nice start to free agency by Banner and Co...I have to think Ray Farmer was brought in.cause the brass are worried about Lombardi's checkered draft history...Great move if true..

Also, please stop the Shears/Rubin trade rumors...We finally have solid depth on our D-line that are true pros, so lets just go ahead and dismantle it? C'mon man...

TBH, if someone offered us a high 2nd rounder for Shears or Rubin, I'd think about it long and hard.
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I'm sorry...I am a huge Jabaal Sheard fan...I think he will be an above average pass rusher in the league....Don't just count the sacks...How many times did you see him in the backfield last year only a split second from a sack only to have the QB get rid of the ball...I keep Sheard over Rubin all day...
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Wouldn't surprise me at all to see management make a couple of trades on draft day. I would be shocked if any trades happened before then. They know they need a CB, TE, OG and OLB. OLB less of a concern now that they made the signings in FA.

No matter what happens further in FA, I really like what they have done in FA. They are making the transition to the 3-4, personnel wise, pretty smoothly thus far.
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Patrick Bateman;2314498; said:
I'm sorry...I am a huge Jabaal Sheard fan...I think he will be an above average pass rusher in the league....Don't just count the sacks...How many times did you see him in the backfield last year only a split second from a sack only to have the QB get rid of the ball...I keep Sheard over Rubin all day...
Agree with that. To me Rubin just doesn't have the length to play outside on a 3-4 DL and he certainly does not have the agility to drop back into pass coverage. Currently I think we have an overabundance of DTs with Kitchen, Hughes, Bryant (both in and out), Taylor and Rubin. I am counting Winn as a DE but he can move inside also.
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I see no reason to trade Sheard right now, even if OLB doesn't work out he'll still be a young DE with talent that will command value in a trade so why rush it?

Also I have a hard time seeing Phili not take Dion Jordan or OT in the draft; with how bad that OL is and you just hired Chip Kelly, I have a hard time believing they go CB. You don't spend the bank on him just to go defensive. Lane Johnson from OU would be a great fit.

What I'm curious about is how the new staff views our 3 rookie LB's from last year, all of whom I really liked....Robertson, Fort and JMJ....any thoughts on how these guys transition to Horton's 3-4 style? JMJ seems to especially fit in I'd imagine at OLB given his speed which seems to be emphasized more than ever given our mammoth DL.
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I've learned two things from watching NFL Networks coverage of Free Agency:

1)Mike Tannebaum, former Jets GM, is a f***ing idiot
2) Solomon Wilcots knows nothing about football..Whenever he does a Browns game on CBS Vegas should take action on the Over/Under of assenine statements he makes a game...It's amazing some of these guys were involved in pro football....Steve Tasker is another one....

Sorry guys...I know its off topic but damn
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LitlBuck;2314494; said:
This is wrong from everything that I have read. Taylor will play the NT and Rubin will be the DE along with Bryant but Bryant can also slide to the inside.

That's cool. But I know better. Rubin doesn't have the length, wingspan and burst that Taylor does. Putting him at SDE would be a waste of time.
edit: This is depending on defensive alignment, gap responsibility and the down. So perhaps "waste of time" is a bit reaching, but I still stand firm
on the positions of the personnel.

LitlBuck;2314494; said:
I also would not be surprised to see Rubin or Sheard traded with the abundance of defensive lineman .

The Rubin trade might not bother me depending on what we get in return. Sheard, until otherwise proven wrong - is still the best pass rusher on the roster. Scheme be damned, you find ways for a guy like that to get to the QB. He stays.

edit: If Lewis wants #1CB money then it isn't going to happen. He was the best corner on a roster of mediocre DB's that have played behind an excellent
pass rush. He just doesn't know it. I'm not huge on Cason. Would I take him over Sheldon though? Yep. It only makes sense to target at least one CB because Milliner might not be there when the time comes and Kent Richardson is slotted to play FS.
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