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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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y0yoyoin;2314358; said:
no doubt we take a FA corner but im wondering which one now that we have signed kruger and bryant...im not a cap expert so im not sure what we have left...i would still like to see keenan lewis

the rumor is keenan lewis wants top end #1 cb money, which is why teams haven't been tripping over themselves to sign him yet.
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screw any conversation on corners.


buckeye or not, nobody is better on film.

i don't care that he is 36

he is no jeff garcia pick up, no keith hernandez pick up.

flat out bad ass motherfucker.

get on this shit Brownies.
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OneBuckeye;2314415; said:
Why no love for Sheard. He is that bad of a fit for a 3-4? He can't play LB?

I love Sheard. My only question is if the coaches think he can play OLB. Now that they've signed 2 3-4 OLB's it will be interesting to see what they do in the draft. If they go OLB in the first round there isn't a spot for Sheard anymore since he isn't big enough to be a full time 3-4 DE. They aren't going to keep him on the roster to be a passing down DE if he can be moved for a 2nd or 3rd round pick.
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OneBuckeye;2314420; said:
With these signings I see the 6th pick as Millner or bust. What type of value would Sheard garner?

That's what I'm hoping for, but he would have to fall to 6, which I have my doubts about. Hopefully Jones getting a clean bill of health will help.
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Mongo just pawn in game of life.

y0yoyoin;2314324; said:
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exhawg;2314418; said:
I love Sheard. My only question is if the coaches think he can play OLB. Now that they've signed 2 3-4 OLB's it will be interesting to see what they do in the draft. If they go OLB in the first round there isn't a spot for Sheard anymore since he isn't big enough to be a full time 3-4 DE. They aren't going to keep him on the roster to be a passing down DE if he can be moved for a 2nd or 3rd round pick.

Honestly, I think they feel like they have the guys they need now. I'd look at Groves as an insurance policy that Sheard can't play OLB and the draft jsut plays out differently than they expect.
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Like I said - given Jones and his clean bill of health, it gives us
Interesting options at #6. If Avril leaves Detroit, they pretty much
Have to go DE. Oakland is now forced to take the best DT available.
Jags will probably go OT. So Jones or Milliner might now be available
At #6. I'd be happy with either.
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