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Cleveland Browns (2013 Season)

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Even if he doesn't pan out for the Browns at least we know Urban thought highly of him:)
COLUMBUS, Ohio ? The Browns on Tuesday signed free agent Paul Kruger as their new pass rusher. When Urban Meyer got him, he thought he might be getting a quarterback.

Kruger signed with Utah's 2004 recruiting class, Meyer's first full recruiting class after taking Utah's head coaching job in December of 2002. The Utes went 10-2 in Meyer's first season in 2003, and he assembled a 25-man class that signed on Feb. 4, 2004.

This was the news from the Salt Lake Tribune after Kruger gave his pledge to Meyer in September 2003, as Meyer's first season at his new job, after leaving Bowling Green, was just beginning:

Urban Meyer has promised to revitalize the University of Utah football program, and there is at least one in-state recruit who believes him.

Timpanogos quarterback Paul Kruger, 6-foot-5, 235 pounds, has committed to Utah. Kruger chose the Utes over Oregon and Oregon State, his father's alma mater.

"I really like coach Meyer, and I think he is going to make the program skyrocket," Kruger said. "It's the right place for me, and I think I have a good chance of playing soon."

Kruger, from Orem, Utah, was a two-star recruit as ranked by Rivals.com. According to a Salt Lake Tribune story from 2007, Kruger had several offers but chose Utah in part because the Utes offered him the chance to play quarterback.

Kyle Whittingham, who took over when Meyer left Utah for Florida after the 2004 season, said it took about “36 hours” after Kruger arrived on campus to switch him to defensive line. Whittingham was the defensive coordinator at the time and said Kruger was on board with the move.
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Would like to see me some DRC, Lewis, Schwartz and Alexander talk from the Browns.

Funny thing about the Kruger signing - it still doesn't remove our need for another OLB. Say Jarvis Jones gets a private workout from the Browns and the clear from their doctors... Kruger and JJ lining up across from one another? I can only dream.

Of course that's a lot of money tied up in pass rush.
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Browns signed DL Desmond Bryant, formerly of the Raiders, to a five-year, $34 million contract.

We love it. The deal includes a whopping $15 million guaranteed. Bryant shows a relentless motor, can both rush the passer and stuff the run, possesses scheme versatility at 6-foot-6, 300 with athleticism, and played his college ball at Harvard. Cleveland's 3-4 front seven is coming together with Bryant and Ahtyba Rubin likely on the ends, Phil Taylor at nose tackle, and Paul Kruger and Jabaal Sheard as rush 'backers. The inside linebackers project to be D'Qwell Jackson and James-Michael Johnson. Looks good to us.
Related: Raiders

Source: Ian Rapoport on Twitter
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1st down.

DE - Bryant. NT - Rubin. SDE/DT - Taylor.
Good luck running inside on that.

Passing downs.

DE - Sheard. NT- Taylor. SDE/DT - Bryant. Kruger on the outside.

I'm really liking the direction of this defense. That's a pretty damn
Solid front for pressuring QB's.
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no doubt we take a FA corner but im wondering which one now that we have signed kruger and bryant...im not a cap expert so im not sure what we have left...i would still like to see keenan lewis
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